So I was writing this letter to my dad tonight and I decided that he deserved more than a letter… he deserved a public acknowledgement. I only wish I had done this for some of my more in-depth letters to him that really tell you all about him! So here’s my not-so-private letter to my dad….
Hey Dad,
I have been thinking about you a lot lately and I really miss seeing you. We need to have you guys over pretty soon.
It's funny that when I went to ask you for that Doobie Brothers CD, I thought maybe I should wait because it was kind of in a chaotic moment that would make it easy to forget, but then I thought, "no, it's my dad and he always remembers little details like that if they are important to me". So I went ahead and asked and I was so happy when you not only remembered, but you went through the trouble to look for it, find it, and then call me about it. I was like, "yep, I knew he'd come through". It means a lot to me that you take even the smallest request from me so seriously and use it as an opportunity to show that you love me. :-)
Scottie is out in the kitchen right now cleaning and scrubbing out EVERYTHING because we got another major food bug infestation and we have to throw stuff out. He said he just wanted to do all that work for me so I would stop being sad about all the food that keeps going bad… and he doesn't even want me to help. I am always so glad that I married someone like you who loves to do things for me and take care of me. Someone who takes care of my car like you used to do every Saturday (although he still tries to make me check my own oil!) and someone who does all kinds of little annoying projects for me without complaining, just like you did for me all the time (everything from re-arranging all the major furniture in my bedroom every couple of months when I had a whim, to killing the ants in my closet, to coming over to plunge toilets when I was housesitting!). I'm glad I didn't get used to you treating me so well and then marry someone didn't do the same for me.
I've been thinking a lot lately about all the major purchases you've made for me over the years... mostly feeling guilty because I probably didn't use all of them enough to get your money's worth! I started adding up all those things over the years recently like the tether ball pole in the backyard that we hardly ever played, my fancy camera (which I did use quite a bit actually before digital became all the rage), all the musical stuff (my 1st guitar and the lessons that came with it, renting my flute, choir trip expenses, etc.) my trendy Nike hi-tops for my short lived basketball career, my ipod speakers (which I use ALL the time still), the trampoline (though you may have been trying to kill us with that one!), the bikes, the stereos, etc., etc. After thinking about all that, it suddenly hit me how amazing it is that you always encouraged me in all my interests... and never gave up doing that even when some of them proved to be short fads for me! It didn't matter to you that you spent tons of time researching the best product and lots of your hard earned money to buy it, only for me to use it on rare occasions, you were more concerned about continually supporting me and encouraging me in things I liked than you were in the fact that you wasted that time and money. And even though I wasn't fully aware that was what you were doing back then, I know it did so much to help me shape who I am. It made me feel like I was able to do anything I wanted to try and that I didn't have to fit some perfect mold you had for me... it told me that you would love me and accept me no matter what kind of hobbies I had and no matter what kind of identity I finally chose to adopt! You were so good about showing interest in all my interests, even though most of them were probably totally boring to you and like I said I know you always invested a lot of time into learning about these things before you bought one for me (I'll never forget hearing about all the steps that went into you buying my camera for me!). And all of that means so much to me. By the way good job at buying me fun toys and then leaving it up to mom to have to do the work to try and make me stick with it… nice little game you had going there, ha ha!
I hear so many of my friends talk about how they never lived up to the way their parents wanted them to live their life. They never got the right job, or they didn't get a house big enough to make their parents proud of them... all that junk. And of course, I have never felt the pressure from you to live up to worldly standards just so you could show me off to your worldly friends. You always encouraged me to be myself and to live for the things that really mattered and you made all the same choices in your life to be my example. The kind of choices that don't get you rich, but that make you know you're pursuing the right things in life, the things that have REAL value. And I'm SOOO grateful that I have a dad who knows what really matters, who isn't caught up in competing with all the other men around him over who's fancy new toy is better or who's kid is the most successful. I'm thankful my dad chose to work so hard and sacrifice so much of himself for the sake of his family because we are all the better for it (a major understatement... we would all be leading lives of misery if you hadn't).
I'm glad that I was able to tell my husband to quit his job when we got engaged because I would rather live poor and stay in a tiny apartment than have a work-a-holic husband and a bad marriage. And I'm glad that I could choose to live in a run down apartment complex so I could show love to the people who live there, without being worried what my friends might think. I'm thankful that I don't have to run after all the things that will leave me empty.... all because my dad taught me better than that and my dad lived better than that.
Thank you dad. You have done so much with your life and you have come so far and accomplished so much... all in the areas that really matter. You have overcome so many challenges that cursed you, you have stuck with your family and been a great example to us, you have given your life to serving others, and you have chosen humility over pride and worldly honors time and time again. I think you are a shining success.
Thank you for choosing to live your life the way you have... for us.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Virtue of Coolness
I understand that not everyone values coolness... and I definitely think that's a good thing. If everyone valued coolness, there's all kinds of things we wouldn't have... most of them being inventions and scientific discoveries! The nerds are valuable members of our society!
I however, am not privileged enough to have the kind of brain that earned me wedgies in high school, so I have to place at least some of my value to society in the virtue of being cool.
What I mean by that is, one of my goals in life is to always be as relevant as possible to as many people as possible. Since I've had to give up my aspirations to invent the first time traveling Toyota Prius (since time traveling Deloreans are SO 1985), I have decided that if I want to create change in the world, it will be through my ability to influence people (rather than the space time continuum or the popularity of the Prius).
To develop influence I figure I have to either pick and influential group to lead or lead the masses. Well, I'm not influential enough in any area to be the MOST influential in a category. I'm completely befuddled by politics (but I DO know the word "befuddled"!), and I'm totally lost in the world of intellectuals (again... I have never received a swirly), and being a feminist (or any kind of activist for that matter) sounds exhausting to me. So that leaves me with just trying to affect average joes who can then affect other average joes. And what's more average joe than celebrity gossip, TV show trivia, and general pop culture savviness?! So that's my niche.... transform the most useless parts of our culture into something that enables me to impact at least one group of people. The bonus is that there's now at least one category I stand a chance at in trivia games!
A note to older people reading this: Since this blog is about coolness and changing with the times, I will address the subject of aging and older people. Please, no one take offense to this! This blog is NOT based on anyone specific or anything like that.... and the fact that you use the internet and read blogs is proof that this blog is not about you! If you do happen to see something that you feel is a weakness of your own... just consider it a challenge to work on it!
This is an important topic to me because I am so NOT open to change (a major component for coolness)... but I am fully aware at how that hinders me so I'm working hard on it. There are 3 main things in my life that made me notice the value of being open to new things (therefore gaining coolness points) even if I don't necessarily think they are the "better" way.
1. I decided texting was stupid so I stopped doing it. And I lost friends. That's just how they get ahold of people and plan stuff! So just because I thought it was lame, I fought something that really did me no good to fight. Sticking with the old fashioned "better" ways of calling people, did not improve my relationships like I thought it would. This made me think about what it will be like when I'm old if I refuse to communicate with my grandkids in their preferred format (even if I think it's a stupid format)... and how that will lead to me rarely communicating with them at all.
2. I noticed that I connected with Scottie's grandma very well the very first time I met her, and it's rare that I feel comfortable with an older person I don't know that quickly. Then I realized that it was because she talked to me about stuff that I knew about, rather than just telling me stories about things I have no idea about (like churning her own butter or something). She reads every issue of People magazine cover to cover and she watches every popular TV show out there (she knows more about "Desparate Housewives" and "So You Think You Can Dance" than almost anyone I know!). And then benefit to that is she doesn't give me weird looks that make me feel bad for the strange new combo of scarves and tank tops I'm wearing... because she saw Jessica Simpson wearing that months ago! And she doesn't step out of a conversation because she feels left out when we start quoting movie lines or talking about our ipods. She joins right in, acting as a function part of the group rather than a spectator (as many old people get to the point of feeling like I think). Btw, (she would probably even know what that means too!) I think stories about her life growing up are amazing and unbelievably valuable. I'm just saying that she can relay those EVEN BETTER to me if she knows where I'm coming from when I hear them.
3. One day my cousin (7 years younger than me) and I were shopping and I picked up a pair of earrings to show her. She gave me a sympathetic look (like she felt SO bad for me for being so uncool) and said, "um Breanna... people don't really.... well, they don't really wear those anymore". And I immediately recognized the tone of voice she was using on me. It was the same voice I use when I go shopping with people who I think are "old".
After recovering from my total panic of realizing that high school for me was actually a lot longer ago than I thought... I started thinking about her view of me. Now, everything I say is tainted with that "well she doesn't REALLY know what's going on" lens and it's like a swift kick to knock down everything I have to say to her that immediately takes it to a level of "yeah, whatever Breanna". If she disregards me as old and out of it, then I've lost my ability to influence her.
I decided that one day, she won't care about how cool I am and she will see past that and see the value of my opinions and everything. But what about now?! I can just write off everyone in a certain age group (i.e. the same thing she's doing to me) or I can still value her as a person and still try to influence her life now, even if I have to leave behind my old fashioned "better" ways of doing so.
Her way may not be best in my mind, but if it's the only way that works for her, I'm going to take that as an opportunity to be involved in her life (because NOW is probably the time she needs me more than ever)! There's that phrase "people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care". Well being involved in all the things that are important in her world, show how much I care. And then maybe, just MAYBE, she'll care about what I have to say to her. (Sorry, un-named, 7 years younger than me cousin, you weren't that bad really, it was just that 1 time, and it was a good thing for me!). :-)
Like I said, I know this way isn't the way that everyone should go. But I enjoy this stuff anyways, so I might as well indulge my secret crush on People Magazine and my infatuation with certain shows on the "E" channel... since I can now justify it! I do have a disclaimer to all of this however, I do NOT endorse parents who read the urban dictionary so they can speak teen, or mom's who wear tube tops and Ugg boots... parents still need to be parents to some degree. It is not anyone over the age of 30's job to be on the same level of cool as their kids... it's just their job to understand what cool is!
So I've decided that if I want to maintain a lifelong knowledge of cool to at least some degree, then it will start by making a few commitments to myself. Some of these are for the sake of being "relevant" to the younger people around me and some are just born from my own youthful pride that says, "oh I hope I'm not like THAT when I get old"!
Commitments to myself as I age:
I will not let fear of the unknown dictate my actions
I will always read People magazine (or whatever Mag is cool when I'm old!)
I will always find ways to talk to people younger than me
I will change my hairstyle once every 5 years
I will keep my mind sharp (even if I have to resort to playing Trivial pursuit with Scottie)
I will watch the news
I will go see movies
I will read new books
I will let my grandkids talk about what's important to them (even if its totally boring to me)
I will never make a decision based soley on fear
I will never dismiss new music, technology, communication, etc. without first learning about it
I will not be too arrogant to accept younger people's thoughts
I will pay attention to my appearance
I will eat healthy and stay active
I will be humble enough to ask people younger than me to explain things I don't understand
I will go to unfamiliar places
I will not let my routine dictate my life
I will drive at unfamiliar times in unfamiliar places (until my family tells me I'm a scary driver)
I will ask younger people their opinions (and listen)
I will be an initiator in my relationships with people
You can all yell at me for not doing these things starting now. Since I am making this list as a result of how bad I am at this stuff... Oh this is going to suck! Ha ha!
I however, am not privileged enough to have the kind of brain that earned me wedgies in high school, so I have to place at least some of my value to society in the virtue of being cool.
What I mean by that is, one of my goals in life is to always be as relevant as possible to as many people as possible. Since I've had to give up my aspirations to invent the first time traveling Toyota Prius (since time traveling Deloreans are SO 1985), I have decided that if I want to create change in the world, it will be through my ability to influence people (rather than the space time continuum or the popularity of the Prius).
To develop influence I figure I have to either pick and influential group to lead or lead the masses. Well, I'm not influential enough in any area to be the MOST influential in a category. I'm completely befuddled by politics (but I DO know the word "befuddled"!), and I'm totally lost in the world of intellectuals (again... I have never received a swirly), and being a feminist (or any kind of activist for that matter) sounds exhausting to me. So that leaves me with just trying to affect average joes who can then affect other average joes. And what's more average joe than celebrity gossip, TV show trivia, and general pop culture savviness?! So that's my niche.... transform the most useless parts of our culture into something that enables me to impact at least one group of people. The bonus is that there's now at least one category I stand a chance at in trivia games!
A note to older people reading this: Since this blog is about coolness and changing with the times, I will address the subject of aging and older people. Please, no one take offense to this! This blog is NOT based on anyone specific or anything like that.... and the fact that you use the internet and read blogs is proof that this blog is not about you! If you do happen to see something that you feel is a weakness of your own... just consider it a challenge to work on it!
This is an important topic to me because I am so NOT open to change (a major component for coolness)... but I am fully aware at how that hinders me so I'm working hard on it. There are 3 main things in my life that made me notice the value of being open to new things (therefore gaining coolness points) even if I don't necessarily think they are the "better" way.
1. I decided texting was stupid so I stopped doing it. And I lost friends. That's just how they get ahold of people and plan stuff! So just because I thought it was lame, I fought something that really did me no good to fight. Sticking with the old fashioned "better" ways of calling people, did not improve my relationships like I thought it would. This made me think about what it will be like when I'm old if I refuse to communicate with my grandkids in their preferred format (even if I think it's a stupid format)... and how that will lead to me rarely communicating with them at all.
2. I noticed that I connected with Scottie's grandma very well the very first time I met her, and it's rare that I feel comfortable with an older person I don't know that quickly. Then I realized that it was because she talked to me about stuff that I knew about, rather than just telling me stories about things I have no idea about (like churning her own butter or something). She reads every issue of People magazine cover to cover and she watches every popular TV show out there (she knows more about "Desparate Housewives" and "So You Think You Can Dance" than almost anyone I know!). And then benefit to that is she doesn't give me weird looks that make me feel bad for the strange new combo of scarves and tank tops I'm wearing... because she saw Jessica Simpson wearing that months ago! And she doesn't step out of a conversation because she feels left out when we start quoting movie lines or talking about our ipods. She joins right in, acting as a function part of the group rather than a spectator (as many old people get to the point of feeling like I think). Btw, (she would probably even know what that means too!) I think stories about her life growing up are amazing and unbelievably valuable. I'm just saying that she can relay those EVEN BETTER to me if she knows where I'm coming from when I hear them.
3. One day my cousin (7 years younger than me) and I were shopping and I picked up a pair of earrings to show her. She gave me a sympathetic look (like she felt SO bad for me for being so uncool) and said, "um Breanna... people don't really.... well, they don't really wear those anymore". And I immediately recognized the tone of voice she was using on me. It was the same voice I use when I go shopping with people who I think are "old".
After recovering from my total panic of realizing that high school for me was actually a lot longer ago than I thought... I started thinking about her view of me. Now, everything I say is tainted with that "well she doesn't REALLY know what's going on" lens and it's like a swift kick to knock down everything I have to say to her that immediately takes it to a level of "yeah, whatever Breanna". If she disregards me as old and out of it, then I've lost my ability to influence her.
I decided that one day, she won't care about how cool I am and she will see past that and see the value of my opinions and everything. But what about now?! I can just write off everyone in a certain age group (i.e. the same thing she's doing to me) or I can still value her as a person and still try to influence her life now, even if I have to leave behind my old fashioned "better" ways of doing so.
Her way may not be best in my mind, but if it's the only way that works for her, I'm going to take that as an opportunity to be involved in her life (because NOW is probably the time she needs me more than ever)! There's that phrase "people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care". Well being involved in all the things that are important in her world, show how much I care. And then maybe, just MAYBE, she'll care about what I have to say to her. (Sorry, un-named, 7 years younger than me cousin, you weren't that bad really, it was just that 1 time, and it was a good thing for me!). :-)
Like I said, I know this way isn't the way that everyone should go. But I enjoy this stuff anyways, so I might as well indulge my secret crush on People Magazine and my infatuation with certain shows on the "E" channel... since I can now justify it! I do have a disclaimer to all of this however, I do NOT endorse parents who read the urban dictionary so they can speak teen, or mom's who wear tube tops and Ugg boots... parents still need to be parents to some degree. It is not anyone over the age of 30's job to be on the same level of cool as their kids... it's just their job to understand what cool is!
So I've decided that if I want to maintain a lifelong knowledge of cool to at least some degree, then it will start by making a few commitments to myself. Some of these are for the sake of being "relevant" to the younger people around me and some are just born from my own youthful pride that says, "oh I hope I'm not like THAT when I get old"!
Commitments to myself as I age:
I will not let fear of the unknown dictate my actions
I will always read People magazine (or whatever Mag is cool when I'm old!)
I will always find ways to talk to people younger than me
I will change my hairstyle once every 5 years
I will keep my mind sharp (even if I have to resort to playing Trivial pursuit with Scottie)
I will watch the news
I will go see movies
I will read new books
I will let my grandkids talk about what's important to them (even if its totally boring to me)
I will never make a decision based soley on fear
I will never dismiss new music, technology, communication, etc. without first learning about it
I will not be too arrogant to accept younger people's thoughts
I will pay attention to my appearance
I will eat healthy and stay active
I will be humble enough to ask people younger than me to explain things I don't understand
I will go to unfamiliar places
I will not let my routine dictate my life
I will drive at unfamiliar times in unfamiliar places (until my family tells me I'm a scary driver)
I will ask younger people their opinions (and listen)
I will be an initiator in my relationships with people
You can all yell at me for not doing these things starting now. Since I am making this list as a result of how bad I am at this stuff... Oh this is going to suck! Ha ha!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Back by popular demand... my "Deciding to Marry" blog
This is a blog I posted on Myspace a couple of years ago. Since then, I’ve had such a significant response to it that I decided it was about time to re-post it on my blog and Facebook (since no one even knows what the word “Myspace” means anymore).
Note: This subject is a huge passion of mine and I have put careful thought into this and chosen to dedicate my life's work to it (well at least I had at the time I originally wrote it). So though it is lengthy, if you choose to read it, please read the whole thing. It is very important to me, and hopefully it with be helpful to you and very worthwhile your time.
By the way, this was originally written to a Christian audience, so it is based on a Christian worldview. If you disagree with that worldview, please read it with an open mind because it still might have some general principles of application for you in it too.
Here it goes…..
I have worked with college students for the past 5 or 6 years now (even though I no longer do so "officially"). And of course, being the nature of the age, I have seen many a people get married over that time. As I have talked with many of these brides to be (by the way, I do not have a particular person in mind), I have seen one common thread that makes me very wary. There is one phrase in particular that chills my bones that I have heard over and over again:
"Well, I know it will be OK because we're both Christians and God will bless our marriage".
This phrase is usually said by someone who is getting married super fast after only dating the person for less than 6 months. The reason this phrase is so petrifying to me is because of the theology that lies behind it. It is a faulty theology that could actually destroy your life and make you miserable, so please pay attention.
From now on when I hear this phrase, I am going to follow it up with this question: "What do you think 'bless' means?" Because I am pretty sure that most people think it means that God will make you happy. So my next question, is where do you get the idea that God promises to make you happy no matter what? God commands us to do many things when making a big decision. He says to use wisdom, follow God's clear will (that is specifically written in the Bible), listen to wise counsel, be patient, and pray. Plus much more (particularly found in Proverbs- the book of wisdom). So it really bothers me when I see Christians making a decision, but not thinking too hard on it because they believe that even if they ignore these specific things outlined in scripture, that God will come in and save them. Granted, God could choose to come rescue them from their natural consequences of a bad decision, but I do not think it is reasonable, nor Biblical to EXPECT that God will come in and rescue you out of your consequences. I want everyone who is single, dating, or engaged to listen closely to this...
It is a very real possibility that you could end up completely miserable for the rest of your life, hating your marriage and your spouse every single day. You are not immune to this just because you are a Christian.
If you really believe God will make you happy no matter what (you may not know you believe it, but ask yourself really), you are placing your entire future- every day of your life for the rest of your life- in a false promise that God never gave us.
Yes, God does work all things for good for those who love him. But do you think good translates to: God works all things out to make those who love him happy with an easy life? No. I'm sure that if you end up in a horrible marriage, you will learn a lot from it and you will be able to help and encourage others in the same situation. It is my guess that a lot of that is the good that would possibly come out of it. But it is very likely that had you made a wiser choice before you got married, you could have an AWESOME marriage that you truly enjoy and God would still bring a lot of good out of that too. Just because God will work things out for good, does not give you the freedom to make an irresponsible decision and then expect God to save you from it and make you happy anyways. And I hope it goes without saying that just because you are unhappy in your marriage, does not give you the right to get out of it. You are stuck there, living unhappy for the rest of your lives- that is a very real reality that I feel like most Christians getting married choose to ignore! A successful marriage is not just one that lasts, it is one that is healthy and God glorifying (not necessarily perfect). If 50% of Christian marriages end in divorce, how many of the other 50% do you think are actually happy? How many are miserable? What makes you think that you are different enough or special enough that you will make it to be one of the happy 25% (guessing on the percentage), especially if you are rash in your decision to get married?
In case you don't believe me, lets look at what you are really saying when you say that God will work your marriage out for good and bless it (therefore you will be happy so you don't have to worry too much about making the right choice). When you say this you are assuming one of two things. 1. You will be able to get a divorce if this doesn't make you happy (because after all, its God fault for not keeping up his end of the deal and "blessing" it). 2. If you follow all the guidelines in the Bible you will have an awesome marriage. This is true, but unfortunately, you can not possibly follow all the guidelines perfectly and earn yourself a perfect, happy marriage. Just because you are Christians and you have been given the "key" to a perfect marriage, doesn't mean you will have one. 3. God wants me to be happy. Actually he wants what's best for you and that isn't necessarily happiness. Just look at the isolated, different little boy who grew up to be a man who was mocked by his peers, deserted by his best friends, and brutally tortured and killed by the time he was 30- oh yeah, his name was Jesus. And look at all the verses that talk about persecution, sacrifice, and dying to yourself- I'm pretty sure that only Americans are able to translate that message into a message that says "God wants you to be happy". I digress.
Now for the heart of this. I have addressed why people justify making unwise decisions, but now lets look at what could possibly qualify as unwise. Now, much prefacing is needed here so that you see my heart here. First of all, I'm not saying that if you did not do this, your marriage is not blessed by God or anything even close to that. And I am not saying that if you do these things you will have a bad marriage, that is not necessarily true. I am just suggesting that you are playing with bad odds and I would advise against that. I just do not have any reason to believe that it would ever be wise for me to advise someone to go ahead and do the things I am going to warn about in the following sections. I am speaking to people who are as of yet, unmarried and I am pleading with them to do everything in their power to examine their decision and their heart behind their decision. I'm encouraging them to take every precaution in their power to make the right decision, but I am not saying that the Bible specifically says to do the following things. I am not saying you are sinning if you don't do these things (you could be, but you could not be). I am saying, be careful.
For one, you need to listen to your instinct. If there are red flags, pay attention. Don't think that it is OK because this person is a Christian. Once again, that doesn't mean that God will spare you from horrible things in your marriage. Usually the people who say the oh-so-dreaded sentence about God's blessing are the same people who are ignoring red flags. Once again, when you do this, you are placing your entire future in a false promise that God never gave us.
Second of all you need to take your time. It always amazes me that people will spend years deciding where they want to go for grad school or deciding what career they want but when it comes to marriage (the ONE thing that can not be reversed) they will decide in weeks or months. You can always change your mind and go to a different school, switch your major or any of those things. You can not change your mind and get a different spouse, so why would that be the one thing that you decide rashly? Someone told me when I was getting married "you never hear anyone said, 'we took it too slow', but you always hear people say that they rushed into it too quickly". I totally agree with that. I have yet over my 26 years of life to ever hear anyone say they regret taking their time when making a permanent, life changing decision, but you always hear that they regret moving so fast. My question is, why do you think you are any different? When you hear people's regrets so often, why do you think you have it figured out?
One reason that taking your time with a person is so crucial is because you cannot possibly know all the info that you need to know about them in order to make a wise decision about marrying them if you don't. There are various seasons to life and to relationships. There is actually a documented season in relationships called "infatuation" and that is basically the stage that many people expect to remain in forever, and they will make horrible decisions during this time period. If you make a decision before you have run through the gamete of stages, you have NO idea what you are getting yourself into with a person. They may be having a particularly good time in your life, but how do you know how they respond during devastating times? How do they treat you during those times? You may not think it matters because you believe you will always be happy, but what if you have one tragedy after another in your marriage- who that person is during trials may be who they are during the first 10 years of your marriage. You had better know who that person is before you choose to accept them for life. There are so many horrible things in marriage that can be prevented before marriage if given the time and attention. Choosing to accept something bad about someone is so much different, than being forced to accept that same thing because you are already committed to that person for life and you feel cheated because that is not the person you thought you were getting and you didn't "sign up for this".
A good rule of thumb that someone once told me is to ask "Would I still be marrying this person if I knew for a fact that they would NEVER change?" You can’t even ask that question if you don’t know all the facts about them. The problem is that many people have not even been together long enough to see those flaws in each other on any kind of real level or seen how those flaws affect the relationship. It is one thing to see a flaw and to know they are working on that, but you need to have enough time to see what "working on it means". Do they ever actually follow through? How do they deal and how do you deal when they mess up again? If you only date a few months, you have no way of knowing any of this. If you have been together to observe them working through their issues and seen what they really struggle with (and may struggle with their entire life) and can answer yes to the above question, you are in pretty good shape. If you are marrying someone whose flaws you either don't know yet, or that you are not willing accept as a permanent part of your life- you are not in a place to get married. It's not that your partner is consciously hiding those things, they may not even be aware of them themselves! You have to be an observer of them, a student of them, long enough to recognize patterns and to know what you are dealing with.
Honestly, in my personal opinion, there is only one reason to get married fast and that is if one of you is dying of cancer because then if you make a bad decision, "til death do us part" will probably come fast enough and you can still salvage your life. Other than that, I don't think there is any good reason.
Are you moving away? That is one of the hardest ways that I can think to start a new marriage: in a foreign place with no support, working on the problems you didn't have enough time to work out before you got married in pre-marital counseling, dealing with the stress of change that normally comes with marriage plus everything else, and above all else working on getting to know your spouse that you don't know very well under these trying conditions. That is a recipe for a horrible first year (which is one of the most important years as you establish habits and norms of which many will be difficult to change in the years to come.) I am not saying you should not marry and then move quickly, I am saying I believe it is unwise to get married faster than you otherwise would (when you have not been dating very long) BECAUSE you are moving. I am not judging those who have done it, and yes God can use it for a lot of good, I'm just saying that in and of itself is not a good reason to marry quicker than you should.
Are you going off to war? Maybe you should check out the divorce statistics from after WWII to see how the quick marriages turned out! Not a good reason to rush a marriage.
Are you just dying to have sex but you don't believe it's right unless you're married? This one is a little more complicated. If you dated long enough to know each other really well and you are very prepared for marriage, then I see no problem in having a short engagement and rushing the wedding planning. However, I see far too many Christians use the excuse for rushing into marriages that Paul says "it is better to marry than to burn with lust." That is taking that way out of context. Paul is talking about whether you should marry or not EVER, that verse is better applied to catholic priests who take out their lust on little boys than for people who plan on marrying one day but decide to rush into without weighing the costs enough. He is saying, "if you can't stay celibate your whole life, you probably shouldn't try". If you really think that can be applied to you marrying a girl quickly just because you really want to have sex, then you should have gotten married when you were 15 in order to be appropriately following the Bible. No matter what, we are called to control our desires. If you can't control your lust now, getting married won't change that. Just because you get to have sex sometimes, doesn't mean you get to have sex every single moment that you want it. You are not going to be so satisfied every moment of every day and you will be tempted just as you are now. If you are used to dwelling on the bodies of every girl you walk past, you will do the same thing when you are married. Marriage does not solve the problem of lust, it just makes it a lot more complicated. I would venture to go so far as to say that (at the risk of taking this too far) if you are applying the Pauline principal here because you can't control yourself, then I would almost say you are probably should not get married yet! Because now your lust is only hurting yourself, but later it will hurt your wife too! If you are lusting, you are breaking a command already, to follow up one bad choice with another (marrying someone you shouldn't) is not going to help you.
There are all kinds of other reasons people get married fast without the proper amount of thought, counsel, or time to make a wise decision. Some think it will make them happy… it probably won't- it is freaking hard & causes more difficult problems and then you can even imagine. Some do it to escape their current situation. Most of those people need a lot of individual counseling before they are healthy enough for a marriage. And some people (mostly girls) think it will put together their perfect little life and make them princess for a day with everyone looking at their happy little life of dinner parties and surprise flowers. I don't even know where to start with that one, just trust me- not true!
I do not say any of this because I am unhappy in my marriage or because I wish I married someone different. I say it because of the exact opposite reason. I say this because I love my husband so much and I feel like I could not be happier with any other guy on the planet, and yet even with that marriage is the most ridiculously hard- sometimes even horrible thing I've ever had to do. It is that which makes me wonder how people who do not marry someone as totally amazing and wonderful as I did, can do it! I know that if it is so hard for me with an excellent husband, how hopeless and awful so many other people's marriages must be! If I wasn't absolutely convinced that Scottie was the person I should have married, my attitude would be so different about all of this hard work than it is. That is why I am stressing that if you aren't sure about this person- and by sure I do not mean that it "feels" right and you are in love- I mean that it is tried, true, and tested sure- then I beg of you, please, please do not get married! It is so different than you could ever think and you need to make a wise, well thought out, logical decision before you do it. And that is all this is about, it's about not resting on ideas of false realities sold by Hollywood, or bad theology, or the stories of a few people who's marriages were salvaged by God out of his grace (speaking to "itching ears"), or on the promises of a person you are about to marry that you hardly know. Most of the time the only things you can rest on are: clear Biblical instruction, wise counsel from solid people who know and love you, your own intuition, and God's grace to help you make it through your marriage. You can't always prevent problems in your marriage or always know if you are marrying the right person (it is a gamble), but you can usually recognize a lot of the bad signs IF YOU ARE WILLING TO SEE THEM.
Note: This subject is a huge passion of mine and I have put careful thought into this and chosen to dedicate my life's work to it (well at least I had at the time I originally wrote it). So though it is lengthy, if you choose to read it, please read the whole thing. It is very important to me, and hopefully it with be helpful to you and very worthwhile your time.
By the way, this was originally written to a Christian audience, so it is based on a Christian worldview. If you disagree with that worldview, please read it with an open mind because it still might have some general principles of application for you in it too.
Here it goes…..
I have worked with college students for the past 5 or 6 years now (even though I no longer do so "officially"). And of course, being the nature of the age, I have seen many a people get married over that time. As I have talked with many of these brides to be (by the way, I do not have a particular person in mind), I have seen one common thread that makes me very wary. There is one phrase in particular that chills my bones that I have heard over and over again:
"Well, I know it will be OK because we're both Christians and God will bless our marriage".
This phrase is usually said by someone who is getting married super fast after only dating the person for less than 6 months. The reason this phrase is so petrifying to me is because of the theology that lies behind it. It is a faulty theology that could actually destroy your life and make you miserable, so please pay attention.
From now on when I hear this phrase, I am going to follow it up with this question: "What do you think 'bless' means?" Because I am pretty sure that most people think it means that God will make you happy. So my next question, is where do you get the idea that God promises to make you happy no matter what? God commands us to do many things when making a big decision. He says to use wisdom, follow God's clear will (that is specifically written in the Bible), listen to wise counsel, be patient, and pray. Plus much more (particularly found in Proverbs- the book of wisdom). So it really bothers me when I see Christians making a decision, but not thinking too hard on it because they believe that even if they ignore these specific things outlined in scripture, that God will come in and save them. Granted, God could choose to come rescue them from their natural consequences of a bad decision, but I do not think it is reasonable, nor Biblical to EXPECT that God will come in and rescue you out of your consequences. I want everyone who is single, dating, or engaged to listen closely to this...
It is a very real possibility that you could end up completely miserable for the rest of your life, hating your marriage and your spouse every single day. You are not immune to this just because you are a Christian.
If you really believe God will make you happy no matter what (you may not know you believe it, but ask yourself really), you are placing your entire future- every day of your life for the rest of your life- in a false promise that God never gave us.
Yes, God does work all things for good for those who love him. But do you think good translates to: God works all things out to make those who love him happy with an easy life? No. I'm sure that if you end up in a horrible marriage, you will learn a lot from it and you will be able to help and encourage others in the same situation. It is my guess that a lot of that is the good that would possibly come out of it. But it is very likely that had you made a wiser choice before you got married, you could have an AWESOME marriage that you truly enjoy and God would still bring a lot of good out of that too. Just because God will work things out for good, does not give you the freedom to make an irresponsible decision and then expect God to save you from it and make you happy anyways. And I hope it goes without saying that just because you are unhappy in your marriage, does not give you the right to get out of it. You are stuck there, living unhappy for the rest of your lives- that is a very real reality that I feel like most Christians getting married choose to ignore! A successful marriage is not just one that lasts, it is one that is healthy and God glorifying (not necessarily perfect). If 50% of Christian marriages end in divorce, how many of the other 50% do you think are actually happy? How many are miserable? What makes you think that you are different enough or special enough that you will make it to be one of the happy 25% (guessing on the percentage), especially if you are rash in your decision to get married?
In case you don't believe me, lets look at what you are really saying when you say that God will work your marriage out for good and bless it (therefore you will be happy so you don't have to worry too much about making the right choice). When you say this you are assuming one of two things. 1. You will be able to get a divorce if this doesn't make you happy (because after all, its God fault for not keeping up his end of the deal and "blessing" it). 2. If you follow all the guidelines in the Bible you will have an awesome marriage. This is true, but unfortunately, you can not possibly follow all the guidelines perfectly and earn yourself a perfect, happy marriage. Just because you are Christians and you have been given the "key" to a perfect marriage, doesn't mean you will have one. 3. God wants me to be happy. Actually he wants what's best for you and that isn't necessarily happiness. Just look at the isolated, different little boy who grew up to be a man who was mocked by his peers, deserted by his best friends, and brutally tortured and killed by the time he was 30- oh yeah, his name was Jesus. And look at all the verses that talk about persecution, sacrifice, and dying to yourself- I'm pretty sure that only Americans are able to translate that message into a message that says "God wants you to be happy". I digress.
Now for the heart of this. I have addressed why people justify making unwise decisions, but now lets look at what could possibly qualify as unwise. Now, much prefacing is needed here so that you see my heart here. First of all, I'm not saying that if you did not do this, your marriage is not blessed by God or anything even close to that. And I am not saying that if you do these things you will have a bad marriage, that is not necessarily true. I am just suggesting that you are playing with bad odds and I would advise against that. I just do not have any reason to believe that it would ever be wise for me to advise someone to go ahead and do the things I am going to warn about in the following sections. I am speaking to people who are as of yet, unmarried and I am pleading with them to do everything in their power to examine their decision and their heart behind their decision. I'm encouraging them to take every precaution in their power to make the right decision, but I am not saying that the Bible specifically says to do the following things. I am not saying you are sinning if you don't do these things (you could be, but you could not be). I am saying, be careful.
For one, you need to listen to your instinct. If there are red flags, pay attention. Don't think that it is OK because this person is a Christian. Once again, that doesn't mean that God will spare you from horrible things in your marriage. Usually the people who say the oh-so-dreaded sentence about God's blessing are the same people who are ignoring red flags. Once again, when you do this, you are placing your entire future in a false promise that God never gave us.
Second of all you need to take your time. It always amazes me that people will spend years deciding where they want to go for grad school or deciding what career they want but when it comes to marriage (the ONE thing that can not be reversed) they will decide in weeks or months. You can always change your mind and go to a different school, switch your major or any of those things. You can not change your mind and get a different spouse, so why would that be the one thing that you decide rashly? Someone told me when I was getting married "you never hear anyone said, 'we took it too slow', but you always hear people say that they rushed into it too quickly". I totally agree with that. I have yet over my 26 years of life to ever hear anyone say they regret taking their time when making a permanent, life changing decision, but you always hear that they regret moving so fast. My question is, why do you think you are any different? When you hear people's regrets so often, why do you think you have it figured out?
One reason that taking your time with a person is so crucial is because you cannot possibly know all the info that you need to know about them in order to make a wise decision about marrying them if you don't. There are various seasons to life and to relationships. There is actually a documented season in relationships called "infatuation" and that is basically the stage that many people expect to remain in forever, and they will make horrible decisions during this time period. If you make a decision before you have run through the gamete of stages, you have NO idea what you are getting yourself into with a person. They may be having a particularly good time in your life, but how do you know how they respond during devastating times? How do they treat you during those times? You may not think it matters because you believe you will always be happy, but what if you have one tragedy after another in your marriage- who that person is during trials may be who they are during the first 10 years of your marriage. You had better know who that person is before you choose to accept them for life. There are so many horrible things in marriage that can be prevented before marriage if given the time and attention. Choosing to accept something bad about someone is so much different, than being forced to accept that same thing because you are already committed to that person for life and you feel cheated because that is not the person you thought you were getting and you didn't "sign up for this".
A good rule of thumb that someone once told me is to ask "Would I still be marrying this person if I knew for a fact that they would NEVER change?" You can’t even ask that question if you don’t know all the facts about them. The problem is that many people have not even been together long enough to see those flaws in each other on any kind of real level or seen how those flaws affect the relationship. It is one thing to see a flaw and to know they are working on that, but you need to have enough time to see what "working on it means". Do they ever actually follow through? How do they deal and how do you deal when they mess up again? If you only date a few months, you have no way of knowing any of this. If you have been together to observe them working through their issues and seen what they really struggle with (and may struggle with their entire life) and can answer yes to the above question, you are in pretty good shape. If you are marrying someone whose flaws you either don't know yet, or that you are not willing accept as a permanent part of your life- you are not in a place to get married. It's not that your partner is consciously hiding those things, they may not even be aware of them themselves! You have to be an observer of them, a student of them, long enough to recognize patterns and to know what you are dealing with.
Honestly, in my personal opinion, there is only one reason to get married fast and that is if one of you is dying of cancer because then if you make a bad decision, "til death do us part" will probably come fast enough and you can still salvage your life. Other than that, I don't think there is any good reason.
Are you moving away? That is one of the hardest ways that I can think to start a new marriage: in a foreign place with no support, working on the problems you didn't have enough time to work out before you got married in pre-marital counseling, dealing with the stress of change that normally comes with marriage plus everything else, and above all else working on getting to know your spouse that you don't know very well under these trying conditions. That is a recipe for a horrible first year (which is one of the most important years as you establish habits and norms of which many will be difficult to change in the years to come.) I am not saying you should not marry and then move quickly, I am saying I believe it is unwise to get married faster than you otherwise would (when you have not been dating very long) BECAUSE you are moving. I am not judging those who have done it, and yes God can use it for a lot of good, I'm just saying that in and of itself is not a good reason to marry quicker than you should.
Are you going off to war? Maybe you should check out the divorce statistics from after WWII to see how the quick marriages turned out! Not a good reason to rush a marriage.
Are you just dying to have sex but you don't believe it's right unless you're married? This one is a little more complicated. If you dated long enough to know each other really well and you are very prepared for marriage, then I see no problem in having a short engagement and rushing the wedding planning. However, I see far too many Christians use the excuse for rushing into marriages that Paul says "it is better to marry than to burn with lust." That is taking that way out of context. Paul is talking about whether you should marry or not EVER, that verse is better applied to catholic priests who take out their lust on little boys than for people who plan on marrying one day but decide to rush into without weighing the costs enough. He is saying, "if you can't stay celibate your whole life, you probably shouldn't try". If you really think that can be applied to you marrying a girl quickly just because you really want to have sex, then you should have gotten married when you were 15 in order to be appropriately following the Bible. No matter what, we are called to control our desires. If you can't control your lust now, getting married won't change that. Just because you get to have sex sometimes, doesn't mean you get to have sex every single moment that you want it. You are not going to be so satisfied every moment of every day and you will be tempted just as you are now. If you are used to dwelling on the bodies of every girl you walk past, you will do the same thing when you are married. Marriage does not solve the problem of lust, it just makes it a lot more complicated. I would venture to go so far as to say that (at the risk of taking this too far) if you are applying the Pauline principal here because you can't control yourself, then I would almost say you are probably should not get married yet! Because now your lust is only hurting yourself, but later it will hurt your wife too! If you are lusting, you are breaking a command already, to follow up one bad choice with another (marrying someone you shouldn't) is not going to help you.
There are all kinds of other reasons people get married fast without the proper amount of thought, counsel, or time to make a wise decision. Some think it will make them happy… it probably won't- it is freaking hard & causes more difficult problems and then you can even imagine. Some do it to escape their current situation. Most of those people need a lot of individual counseling before they are healthy enough for a marriage. And some people (mostly girls) think it will put together their perfect little life and make them princess for a day with everyone looking at their happy little life of dinner parties and surprise flowers. I don't even know where to start with that one, just trust me- not true!
I do not say any of this because I am unhappy in my marriage or because I wish I married someone different. I say it because of the exact opposite reason. I say this because I love my husband so much and I feel like I could not be happier with any other guy on the planet, and yet even with that marriage is the most ridiculously hard- sometimes even horrible thing I've ever had to do. It is that which makes me wonder how people who do not marry someone as totally amazing and wonderful as I did, can do it! I know that if it is so hard for me with an excellent husband, how hopeless and awful so many other people's marriages must be! If I wasn't absolutely convinced that Scottie was the person I should have married, my attitude would be so different about all of this hard work than it is. That is why I am stressing that if you aren't sure about this person- and by sure I do not mean that it "feels" right and you are in love- I mean that it is tried, true, and tested sure- then I beg of you, please, please do not get married! It is so different than you could ever think and you need to make a wise, well thought out, logical decision before you do it. And that is all this is about, it's about not resting on ideas of false realities sold by Hollywood, or bad theology, or the stories of a few people who's marriages were salvaged by God out of his grace (speaking to "itching ears"), or on the promises of a person you are about to marry that you hardly know. Most of the time the only things you can rest on are: clear Biblical instruction, wise counsel from solid people who know and love you, your own intuition, and God's grace to help you make it through your marriage. You can't always prevent problems in your marriage or always know if you are marrying the right person (it is a gamble), but you can usually recognize a lot of the bad signs IF YOU ARE WILLING TO SEE THEM.
Facebook: The problem or the solution?
So I hear this all the time... "Facebook is such a waste of time", "Facebook promotes shallow relationships", "Facebook is a sad sign of the direction our relationships are headed", etc., etc.
So I am here to provide a counter to those arguments. I'm going to go with the "shallow relationships part first". So you spend an hour a day reading short little snippets from your friends' lives and get updated on what they're doing at all hours of the day. And you feel like you know a little bit about each person. It's like small talk with 30 people a day or so. So lets provide a scenario where you run into 1 friend that you interact with on Facebook and the next day you run into another friend who you haven't talked to in a week. So your conversation with your facebook friend goes like this... they say "wow, I'm so glad your baby is OK now! How are you doing? Are you emotionally exhausted?" And that leads into an in depth discussion of how your marriage has been affected, how you've been getting depressed as a result of it, etc., etc.". Then you run into another person who hasn't been keeping up on your life all week and you launch into a full explanation of the series of events surrounding your baby in the hospital. You talk about that for 1/2 an hour, then they update you on their life for 1/2 an hour... then you say bye because it's time to leave. You spend all your time updating each other and then you don't have time to go into your emotions about it all, how it's really affecting you... all the deep stuff in your life! You spend all your time together in the small talk that you got out of the way with your other friend during the week on Facebook.
So I propose that Facebook actually allows you to go DEEPER in your life with people, rather than keeping you at a shallow level as people regularly imply!
We all know that our lives our too busy, we all know we should be spending more time in relationships with people than we do, and we all feel like we don't have time for that. And then we blame Facebook as being part of the problem. I don't think Facebook is part of the problem... I think it is a RESULT of our problem. But I think it's more of a solution than a symptom.
I think Facebook stems from our desire to have deeper relationships, while being unable to find ways to slow down our busy lifestyle. We have found a way to cut to the chase in our face to face meetings in order to shorten the time we need to spend with people in order to have deeper relationships. If the result is the same (deeper, more fulfilling relationships) whether you spend a lot of time or a little bit of time with someone, then I don't think the road you take to get there is that important.
In addition to busyness, another problem in our lives is the sheer amount of people that we have intimate contact with throughout our existence due to our transportation and technology advances. If you grew up in the old West, the people in your town (the people you saw everyday) were the ones who were important to you (as well as your family that you left behind in a covered wagon but you don't have the ability to keep in touch with them),and that was it! You didn't have old college roommates who moved to France, or best friends from High School who are a 45 min. drive from you. Now, we have people all over the world that mean something to us and there is a strong pull to stay involved with people we love but there's also a resistance because it's too overwhelming. So is it really better to say "oh forget the old people" I'll just deepen the relationships with people I see right now?" I myself don't think so because there is value to those relationships too. So then there's Facebook... something that solves this problem. It allows us to keep in contact with people from our past that we care about, while simultaneously deepening the relationships with the people that are in our lives now who we see on a regular basis. Is there a downside to that?
So you say, “well you can always call those people to stay in touch and that’s better.” Can you honestly tell me that you remember to call everyone that you should every week? Do you call those 5 closest friends, plus 5 of your old friends, plus your cousins, plus your aunts and uncles, grandparents, parents, siblings, etc.? I talk to all those people once a week on Facebook. I could just email them, but I'm never going to think to do it. On Facebook I open it up and there are all my cousins online so I chat with them. And those are conversations with those people I would not otherwise be having! I think having conversations without "tone of voice" involved is better than having no conversations at all! Because now when I do see my cousins at Christmas, not only do we dive deeper quicker, we also feel like we know each other better so we are more open with one another and we trust one another more. I know what important things to ask them about (because I read it in their status update) and they are more willing to tell me about it because I talk to them more than just 4 times a year now! Our relationships have been completely transformed by this! Not to mention I've become better friends with their friends too now over Facebook, which bonds us into a tighter community, plus we share photos of our lives now, etc., etc. I am much closer to many of my family members ever since we signed on to Facebook.
The only downside I see is that we spend alot of our time that used to be "productive" on Facebook. But is that a real downside... what do you really value? OK, so that's a negative thing for our employers, I get that.I'm not saying it's OK to spend all your time at work on Facebook (that's like stealing from your company since your time is worth money to them). I'm just challenging all the people who call Facebook "a WASTE of time" to define the word "waste". Basically, you're nurturing deeper relationships rather than working more. Isn't that what we always say we should be doing? The only time you can call deepening relationships a waste is when you deem productivity as solely meaning financial gain or success or something like that. If you are getting to know people better, I think that is the opposite of "wasted time". Besides all of you who chastise people for "wasting their time on Facebook" probably waste your time in ways that are not at all related to building relationships right? So I think time spent on Facebook is much more valuable that many of the other things I could be doing right now!
OK so yes, there's a lot of stupid crap on Facebook that you can waste your time on, I myself have a virtual pet (so lame) and there's the quizzes, and the mafia wars, etc. There's also a lot of people you DON'T really care about or people who were unhealthy for you in the past. Well as far as the waste of time applications go, I propose that it's not the biggest sin ever to waste time! I think that comes from the rushed mentality we are trying to fight! I create my virtual pet's habitat when my brain is wore out and I need to sit back and chill for 15 minutes... I don't think that's a bad thing. I know people say, "why don't you go read". Whatever... you wouldn't go read either, you'd just check sports scores or watch youtube or something. As far as people you don't want to be friends with... don't be friends with them. When you push ignore, it doesn't send them a rejection letter. Or if you HAVE to accept them, just hide their updates or hide yourself from them when you're online so they don't chat with you... it's not that hard to avoid people you don't want to talk to.
I would say the only TRUE downside of Facebook is that too much of anything becomes a bad thing. Facebook relationships can supplement your normal relationships and that's a bad thing. However, I don't think that's a place that's as easy to get to as people think. Don't you go to work every day? Don't you see people on a pretty regular basis face to face whether you want to or not? There are some relationships that will become completely internet based, but those are the people from your past that you don't have time to keep up with now anyways and I think some contact with your loved ones is better than none. I think the scary time comes when you choose facebook OVER face-to-face contact. When you spend all night on it rather than hanging out with your spouse or kids, stuff like that. But isn't that how anything is? You can spend all weekend watching sports or reading rather than spending time with your family. Facebook is the same as anything else you enjoy, you have to choose when to use it and when not to.
So you still think Facebook is a bad idea and you’re set on just using the phone. For one, I'm sure that's how people felt when the phone first came out... but I think adopting that invention has improved our social lives. And two, if you actually do that, can you really tell me that those 5 people who are important to you enough to call, will actually answer when you call them? Probably not because they're too busy to talk on the phone. So even if you decide to live that way, good luck trying to convince others to do the same. It doesn't fit into our lifestyle. You're not going to get everyone you know to go along with you, so you can spend all your time fighting this and consider it a noble fight, but I propose that you'd be wasting a lot of good time more than actually accomplishing anything, and that is time that you could be spending utilizing the tools available to you (Facebook) to be developing those relationships rather than fighting the system! Sometimes going with the grain is not the worst thing in the world. You have to weigh the costs... develop my relationships by caving to the man (and to our busy lifestyle)? Or spend my time avoiding this out of principle and spend all my conversations catching up with my friends rather than probing deeper into their lives.
By the way, doesn't it annoy you when your grandparents refuse to use the internet for anything and you just want to send them an email? Or you know that they use all their days energy on just getting down to the post office to pay their bills so you just want to teach them to do it online to simplify their lives? Well, guess what... they didn't just get that way overnight. Somewhere along the line, they decided to fear new things so they only focused on the negative side of the new to give them an excuse to avoid braving the unknown. And you may, just MAY be on your way to becoming like that and your grandkids will be just as frustrated by how difficult you make it to for them to communicate with you (therefore hindering your relationship with them) just because you've decided that YOUR way of communication was better. It doesn't matter if it was better, if you don't adapt to change and progress with society somewhat, you will be left with neither the old way or the new way! Like if you don't communicate with your grandkids in the way the communicate, you might not communicate very much at all! Sometimes the old ways are better, but that doesn't mean that the new ways are all bad... usually the new ways are just solutions to other problems we've created in society (like excessive busyness) they are all interlocked and you can't just resist the solution while the problem still exists... that is not helpful or beneficial to anyone. (by the way, I'm very proud of my grandma for working so hard to figure out the computer AND she got on Facebook without any prodding or help from us...and she's found that she loves staying connected with people all day now that she's retired! It's been very good for her. Good job Grandma!)
So just from a personal perspective, I feel like Facebook has deepened the relationships with people I see face to face, opened up past relationships with people I care about (and I think connecting with your past is really important for personal growth), gotten me out of my "focused/time to accomplish something" mode and reminded me to invest into people more often, made me a more balanced person, and enabled me to keep the pace necessary for survival in America... while still having deep and meaningful relationships at the same time.
So I am here to provide a counter to those arguments. I'm going to go with the "shallow relationships part first". So you spend an hour a day reading short little snippets from your friends' lives and get updated on what they're doing at all hours of the day. And you feel like you know a little bit about each person. It's like small talk with 30 people a day or so. So lets provide a scenario where you run into 1 friend that you interact with on Facebook and the next day you run into another friend who you haven't talked to in a week. So your conversation with your facebook friend goes like this... they say "wow, I'm so glad your baby is OK now! How are you doing? Are you emotionally exhausted?" And that leads into an in depth discussion of how your marriage has been affected, how you've been getting depressed as a result of it, etc., etc.". Then you run into another person who hasn't been keeping up on your life all week and you launch into a full explanation of the series of events surrounding your baby in the hospital. You talk about that for 1/2 an hour, then they update you on their life for 1/2 an hour... then you say bye because it's time to leave. You spend all your time updating each other and then you don't have time to go into your emotions about it all, how it's really affecting you... all the deep stuff in your life! You spend all your time together in the small talk that you got out of the way with your other friend during the week on Facebook.
So I propose that Facebook actually allows you to go DEEPER in your life with people, rather than keeping you at a shallow level as people regularly imply!
We all know that our lives our too busy, we all know we should be spending more time in relationships with people than we do, and we all feel like we don't have time for that. And then we blame Facebook as being part of the problem. I don't think Facebook is part of the problem... I think it is a RESULT of our problem. But I think it's more of a solution than a symptom.
I think Facebook stems from our desire to have deeper relationships, while being unable to find ways to slow down our busy lifestyle. We have found a way to cut to the chase in our face to face meetings in order to shorten the time we need to spend with people in order to have deeper relationships. If the result is the same (deeper, more fulfilling relationships) whether you spend a lot of time or a little bit of time with someone, then I don't think the road you take to get there is that important.
In addition to busyness, another problem in our lives is the sheer amount of people that we have intimate contact with throughout our existence due to our transportation and technology advances. If you grew up in the old West, the people in your town (the people you saw everyday) were the ones who were important to you (as well as your family that you left behind in a covered wagon but you don't have the ability to keep in touch with them),and that was it! You didn't have old college roommates who moved to France, or best friends from High School who are a 45 min. drive from you. Now, we have people all over the world that mean something to us and there is a strong pull to stay involved with people we love but there's also a resistance because it's too overwhelming. So is it really better to say "oh forget the old people" I'll just deepen the relationships with people I see right now?" I myself don't think so because there is value to those relationships too. So then there's Facebook... something that solves this problem. It allows us to keep in contact with people from our past that we care about, while simultaneously deepening the relationships with the people that are in our lives now who we see on a regular basis. Is there a downside to that?
So you say, “well you can always call those people to stay in touch and that’s better.” Can you honestly tell me that you remember to call everyone that you should every week? Do you call those 5 closest friends, plus 5 of your old friends, plus your cousins, plus your aunts and uncles, grandparents, parents, siblings, etc.? I talk to all those people once a week on Facebook. I could just email them, but I'm never going to think to do it. On Facebook I open it up and there are all my cousins online so I chat with them. And those are conversations with those people I would not otherwise be having! I think having conversations without "tone of voice" involved is better than having no conversations at all! Because now when I do see my cousins at Christmas, not only do we dive deeper quicker, we also feel like we know each other better so we are more open with one another and we trust one another more. I know what important things to ask them about (because I read it in their status update) and they are more willing to tell me about it because I talk to them more than just 4 times a year now! Our relationships have been completely transformed by this! Not to mention I've become better friends with their friends too now over Facebook, which bonds us into a tighter community, plus we share photos of our lives now, etc., etc. I am much closer to many of my family members ever since we signed on to Facebook.
The only downside I see is that we spend alot of our time that used to be "productive" on Facebook. But is that a real downside... what do you really value? OK, so that's a negative thing for our employers, I get that.I'm not saying it's OK to spend all your time at work on Facebook (that's like stealing from your company since your time is worth money to them). I'm just challenging all the people who call Facebook "a WASTE of time" to define the word "waste". Basically, you're nurturing deeper relationships rather than working more. Isn't that what we always say we should be doing? The only time you can call deepening relationships a waste is when you deem productivity as solely meaning financial gain or success or something like that. If you are getting to know people better, I think that is the opposite of "wasted time". Besides all of you who chastise people for "wasting their time on Facebook" probably waste your time in ways that are not at all related to building relationships right? So I think time spent on Facebook is much more valuable that many of the other things I could be doing right now!
OK so yes, there's a lot of stupid crap on Facebook that you can waste your time on, I myself have a virtual pet (so lame) and there's the quizzes, and the mafia wars, etc. There's also a lot of people you DON'T really care about or people who were unhealthy for you in the past. Well as far as the waste of time applications go, I propose that it's not the biggest sin ever to waste time! I think that comes from the rushed mentality we are trying to fight! I create my virtual pet's habitat when my brain is wore out and I need to sit back and chill for 15 minutes... I don't think that's a bad thing. I know people say, "why don't you go read". Whatever... you wouldn't go read either, you'd just check sports scores or watch youtube or something. As far as people you don't want to be friends with... don't be friends with them. When you push ignore, it doesn't send them a rejection letter. Or if you HAVE to accept them, just hide their updates or hide yourself from them when you're online so they don't chat with you... it's not that hard to avoid people you don't want to talk to.
I would say the only TRUE downside of Facebook is that too much of anything becomes a bad thing. Facebook relationships can supplement your normal relationships and that's a bad thing. However, I don't think that's a place that's as easy to get to as people think. Don't you go to work every day? Don't you see people on a pretty regular basis face to face whether you want to or not? There are some relationships that will become completely internet based, but those are the people from your past that you don't have time to keep up with now anyways and I think some contact with your loved ones is better than none. I think the scary time comes when you choose facebook OVER face-to-face contact. When you spend all night on it rather than hanging out with your spouse or kids, stuff like that. But isn't that how anything is? You can spend all weekend watching sports or reading rather than spending time with your family. Facebook is the same as anything else you enjoy, you have to choose when to use it and when not to.
So you still think Facebook is a bad idea and you’re set on just using the phone. For one, I'm sure that's how people felt when the phone first came out... but I think adopting that invention has improved our social lives. And two, if you actually do that, can you really tell me that those 5 people who are important to you enough to call, will actually answer when you call them? Probably not because they're too busy to talk on the phone. So even if you decide to live that way, good luck trying to convince others to do the same. It doesn't fit into our lifestyle. You're not going to get everyone you know to go along with you, so you can spend all your time fighting this and consider it a noble fight, but I propose that you'd be wasting a lot of good time more than actually accomplishing anything, and that is time that you could be spending utilizing the tools available to you (Facebook) to be developing those relationships rather than fighting the system! Sometimes going with the grain is not the worst thing in the world. You have to weigh the costs... develop my relationships by caving to the man (and to our busy lifestyle)? Or spend my time avoiding this out of principle and spend all my conversations catching up with my friends rather than probing deeper into their lives.
By the way, doesn't it annoy you when your grandparents refuse to use the internet for anything and you just want to send them an email? Or you know that they use all their days energy on just getting down to the post office to pay their bills so you just want to teach them to do it online to simplify their lives? Well, guess what... they didn't just get that way overnight. Somewhere along the line, they decided to fear new things so they only focused on the negative side of the new to give them an excuse to avoid braving the unknown. And you may, just MAY be on your way to becoming like that and your grandkids will be just as frustrated by how difficult you make it to for them to communicate with you (therefore hindering your relationship with them) just because you've decided that YOUR way of communication was better. It doesn't matter if it was better, if you don't adapt to change and progress with society somewhat, you will be left with neither the old way or the new way! Like if you don't communicate with your grandkids in the way the communicate, you might not communicate very much at all! Sometimes the old ways are better, but that doesn't mean that the new ways are all bad... usually the new ways are just solutions to other problems we've created in society (like excessive busyness) they are all interlocked and you can't just resist the solution while the problem still exists... that is not helpful or beneficial to anyone. (by the way, I'm very proud of my grandma for working so hard to figure out the computer AND she got on Facebook without any prodding or help from us...and she's found that she loves staying connected with people all day now that she's retired! It's been very good for her. Good job Grandma!)
So just from a personal perspective, I feel like Facebook has deepened the relationships with people I see face to face, opened up past relationships with people I care about (and I think connecting with your past is really important for personal growth), gotten me out of my "focused/time to accomplish something" mode and reminded me to invest into people more often, made me a more balanced person, and enabled me to keep the pace necessary for survival in America... while still having deep and meaningful relationships at the same time.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Art is my one true love... and my arch nemesis.
So I think this is the frustration of the artist... art is life, but life gets in the way of art. I don't totally know what conundrum means, but I'm pretty sure it means this.
Today I am struggling between the place of "having so many good ideas that I should be encouraged", and the "not having enough time to implement the good ideas I have that I'm discouraged". Like I said... conundrum. You see, in order to improve our photography skillz, we spend all this time studying other photographers. The problem is that we study the photographers that we want to be like... who are better than us. So eventually we get into this mindset that we are the worst photographers out there with the lamest marketing materials because compared to the ones that we look at all day... we are!
The worst part is that as far as their cool ideas go, we feel like we could rival them with our own cool ideas... but WHEN is the question! We're always like, "you know what we should do?!" and then we both get totally excited about what we deem our best idea yet, and then we realize we are either lacking in time, resources, or who knows what else to accomplish that. Sure, we may be able to get there, but it's like 5-10 years down the road. So for now we have to settle with being mediocre photographers with a rushed website that doesn't even work right in internet explorer, who can't afford cool music on their site, who don't seem that different than anyone else (even though we KNOW we are different than others, it's just that no one can see it yet because we aren't able to express it yet)!
I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging, it's not that I feel like I have some genius that's being hidden from the rest of the world, it's more that I feel like I do have a personality and style (just like everyone else does) that is being repressed due to circumstances. My husband, however, DOES have a genius that could benefit the world around him, but sadly it has to wait to be exposed. So combine my suffocated personality with his underground genius and we could create this beautiful, artistic force that is unstoppable and could be used in unthinkable ways. Instead we take pictures and answer emails.
The major issue here is patience. There is one photographer named Zack Arias who put out an entire video about the frustrated artist syndrome. He reminds me that it takes time. We are constantly improving, it's just hard to see it because it's slow and I want results NOW. The best part about this video is that he is one of the famous photographers we look at all day and count as having "made it". So it's nice to know that we're not alone in this frustrating cycle of artistic depression.
If you are an artist, you should watch this video. If you are a musician, you can imagine John Lennon or Joe Satriani as being the speaker. If you are a writer, imagine Stephen King or Shakespeare. Because no matter who they are and what artistic medium they're in... I think all artists hit the wall of comparison and end up getting stuck on the depressing side of it.
OK and just so this blog itself doesn't send you into a downward spiral, here's some beauty for your enjoyment to lighten the mood. Take it as inspiration, not as a neon sign pointing directly toward your own weaknesses!
These are all the beautiful things others have made that I'm so jealous of that I wish I could create myself RIGHT NOW. I have to mention that even as Scottie was checking these things out with me to pick some for this blog, at one point he said, "yeah, I'm done looking at this stuff. It makes me sick to my stomach and I don't want to have to quit photography". Ha ha, he needs to watch Zack's video again! Thanks for listening to all my bellyaching... I feel a little bit better now.
Disgustingly beautiful art:
(If you only check out part of this MAKE SURE you watch the video + Photography ones!)
Video + Photography... we'll get there some day. - seriously watch the "Reverie" video on his homepage. Your life will change!
Ah-mazing websites with unlimited personality expression... ours will be visible in our website eventually.
Non-boring photography blog... working towards it already.
Today I am struggling between the place of "having so many good ideas that I should be encouraged", and the "not having enough time to implement the good ideas I have that I'm discouraged". Like I said... conundrum. You see, in order to improve our photography skillz, we spend all this time studying other photographers. The problem is that we study the photographers that we want to be like... who are better than us. So eventually we get into this mindset that we are the worst photographers out there with the lamest marketing materials because compared to the ones that we look at all day... we are!
The worst part is that as far as their cool ideas go, we feel like we could rival them with our own cool ideas... but WHEN is the question! We're always like, "you know what we should do?!" and then we both get totally excited about what we deem our best idea yet, and then we realize we are either lacking in time, resources, or who knows what else to accomplish that. Sure, we may be able to get there, but it's like 5-10 years down the road. So for now we have to settle with being mediocre photographers with a rushed website that doesn't even work right in internet explorer, who can't afford cool music on their site, who don't seem that different than anyone else (even though we KNOW we are different than others, it's just that no one can see it yet because we aren't able to express it yet)!
I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging, it's not that I feel like I have some genius that's being hidden from the rest of the world, it's more that I feel like I do have a personality and style (just like everyone else does) that is being repressed due to circumstances. My husband, however, DOES have a genius that could benefit the world around him, but sadly it has to wait to be exposed. So combine my suffocated personality with his underground genius and we could create this beautiful, artistic force that is unstoppable and could be used in unthinkable ways. Instead we take pictures and answer emails.
The major issue here is patience. There is one photographer named Zack Arias who put out an entire video about the frustrated artist syndrome. He reminds me that it takes time. We are constantly improving, it's just hard to see it because it's slow and I want results NOW. The best part about this video is that he is one of the famous photographers we look at all day and count as having "made it". So it's nice to know that we're not alone in this frustrating cycle of artistic depression.
If you are an artist, you should watch this video. If you are a musician, you can imagine John Lennon or Joe Satriani as being the speaker. If you are a writer, imagine Stephen King or Shakespeare. Because no matter who they are and what artistic medium they're in... I think all artists hit the wall of comparison and end up getting stuck on the depressing side of it.
OK and just so this blog itself doesn't send you into a downward spiral, here's some beauty for your enjoyment to lighten the mood. Take it as inspiration, not as a neon sign pointing directly toward your own weaknesses!
These are all the beautiful things others have made that I'm so jealous of that I wish I could create myself RIGHT NOW. I have to mention that even as Scottie was checking these things out with me to pick some for this blog, at one point he said, "yeah, I'm done looking at this stuff. It makes me sick to my stomach and I don't want to have to quit photography". Ha ha, he needs to watch Zack's video again! Thanks for listening to all my bellyaching... I feel a little bit better now.
Disgustingly beautiful art:
(If you only check out part of this MAKE SURE you watch the video + Photography ones!)
Video + Photography... we'll get there some day.
The Nichols Family! from SarahQ on Vimeo.
carol + bryan's // stillmotion special edition sde // NY from StillMotion on Vimeo. - seriously watch the "Reverie" video on his homepage. Your life will change!
Ah-mazing websites with unlimited personality expression... ours will be visible in our website eventually.
Non-boring photography blog... working towards it already.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Addressing my fetus fears
I finally found someone who feels the same way I do about having kids... only she's actually pregnant right now. It's a new blog I discovered by Teresa Strasser called "Exploiting My Baby Because It's Exploiting Me". Here's a key phrase from her blog that pretty much sums up my daily internal battle about the possibility of motherhood (she says it as she's observing children and mom's in a park)...
"I survey the scene for a second, and wonder if this is home, or the future, or an oasis of simple pleasures I don’t yet understand or some kind of grape juice-stained, soul-crushing daily drudgery that I will never, ever embrace or even hack."
That's it. That's what I wonder every time I see my friends and their babies. Every time I think about the possibility of cuddling a little creature that I love more than myself, just after I've wiped all the poop out of their crevices and cried along with the child since I only had 3 hours of sleep the night before. It's always the question. And it's one that Teresa doesn't figure out the answer to, she just decides to use the final 4 months of her pregnancy to think about it. So I guess I'll wait along with her.
As she talks about Angelina Jolie, she voices my fears of losing my identity and sacrificing all the things I care about when I become a mom....
"With one tat (a tattoo with her kids' birthplace coordinates), Angie made motherhood less Ziploc baggies of animal crackers, slow-moving minivans and stain-resistant slacks and more … badass. When I think “mom,” I don’t want to think haggard, beleaguered “mom bloggers” telling Oprah about their crappy, sit-com sex lives and zany diaper mishaps, I want to think of women being exactly who they were before kids, only better. Is that just magical thinking and totally unrealistic without movie star money? I don’t know. Real world moms probably want to punch Angelina and Julia in the face sometimes."
She also asks the really important questions that I'm ALREADY thinking about (even though my belly is still fetus-less)... " everyone knows empty calories take away the empty feelings, or the uncertain feelings or make the thoughts stop skipping like a broken record in my brain: how much is childcare? Is my vagina going to rip when this kid comes out? How exactly do stitches in the vagina feel? Where are we putting the crib? Are we supposed to take some sort of parenting class? How much does that c-section thing scar? What is a layette and do I need one? My stomach itches. My stomach itches. My stomach itches. And that’s where a giant sandwich stops the record skipping with the mollifying power of pesto."
I like Teresa's blog because it is beyond real, super vulnerable, and it addresses so many of the things that I think most people are too afraid to let themselves think about... or at the very least things that people are too ashamed to talk about! Umm... not to mention she's freaking hilarious! I'm really excited to keep following her journey to see if she actually finds out the answers to all these mind blowing questions. That way I know if I can breathe a sigh of relief... or if I'm just going to have to keep holding it until my face turns blue or a baby pops out of me (whichever comes first).
"I survey the scene for a second, and wonder if this is home, or the future, or an oasis of simple pleasures I don’t yet understand or some kind of grape juice-stained, soul-crushing daily drudgery that I will never, ever embrace or even hack."
That's it. That's what I wonder every time I see my friends and their babies. Every time I think about the possibility of cuddling a little creature that I love more than myself, just after I've wiped all the poop out of their crevices and cried along with the child since I only had 3 hours of sleep the night before. It's always the question. And it's one that Teresa doesn't figure out the answer to, she just decides to use the final 4 months of her pregnancy to think about it. So I guess I'll wait along with her.
As she talks about Angelina Jolie, she voices my fears of losing my identity and sacrificing all the things I care about when I become a mom....
"With one tat (a tattoo with her kids' birthplace coordinates), Angie made motherhood less Ziploc baggies of animal crackers, slow-moving minivans and stain-resistant slacks and more … badass. When I think “mom,” I don’t want to think haggard, beleaguered “mom bloggers” telling Oprah about their crappy, sit-com sex lives and zany diaper mishaps, I want to think of women being exactly who they were before kids, only better. Is that just magical thinking and totally unrealistic without movie star money? I don’t know. Real world moms probably want to punch Angelina and Julia in the face sometimes."
She also asks the really important questions that I'm ALREADY thinking about (even though my belly is still fetus-less)... " everyone knows empty calories take away the empty feelings, or the uncertain feelings or make the thoughts stop skipping like a broken record in my brain: how much is childcare? Is my vagina going to rip when this kid comes out? How exactly do stitches in the vagina feel? Where are we putting the crib? Are we supposed to take some sort of parenting class? How much does that c-section thing scar? What is a layette and do I need one? My stomach itches. My stomach itches. My stomach itches. And that’s where a giant sandwich stops the record skipping with the mollifying power of pesto."
I like Teresa's blog because it is beyond real, super vulnerable, and it addresses so many of the things that I think most people are too afraid to let themselves think about... or at the very least things that people are too ashamed to talk about! Umm... not to mention she's freaking hilarious! I'm really excited to keep following her journey to see if she actually finds out the answers to all these mind blowing questions. That way I know if I can breathe a sigh of relief... or if I'm just going to have to keep holding it until my face turns blue or a baby pops out of me (whichever comes first).
Because you've always wanted to know what I do when no one's looking
So what do you do when you get your first night alone in months, but you blew your monthly spending money weeks ago, and you've been working so hard for so long that you've actually forgotten how to have fun? Well... you experiment. At least that's what I did.
My night started out with me watching the Princess Diaries 2 on TV while getting a little work done and binging out on sugar (yes, I did say The Princess Diaries 2 and no, I'm not 12). While working I stumbled across some photos of one of the coolest girls I've ever seen so I decided I needed to go spend my Target gift card so I could be cool too! It's like Target planted her there, right in the middle of the wedding I was processing, just for suckers like me!
So I jetted off to Target (BEFORE finishing The Princess Diaries 2... which saved my dignity at least a little bit) while blaring Pat Benetar and singing along at the top of my lungs (as well as refusing to look over at the guy in the car next to me who was laughing at me). Scottie does put up with some girly music, but apparently "Love is Battlefield" is where he draws the line so I was taking full advantage of my night of freedom.
I left Target empty handed and suffering a pity party because I couldn't afford to buy enough cool stuff to actually reach the level of anonymous cool girl who was my new idol (I'm sure the pity party was probably semi related to sugar remorse as well). So I drove around with Pat for company while I tried to cook up a plan to help me get the money required for coolness. Yeah, I never came up with one.
(I'm going to skip the part of my night where I came home to find the police and ambulance here for a domestic violence call on my downstairs neighbors who's kids I watched until it was over... I'll probably talk about that later but really I'm writing this blog to try to forget it for now.)
Back to the fun stuff...
So it's 12:30am and Scottie's still not home and I'm milking it for all it's worth. Sorry Scottie, I'm just really really enjoying a night alone (which means I must have really needed it because I'm only like 2.5% introverted and the rest of me is boisterous and loud and needs people around at all times)!
So now it's time to paint my nails black while sipping Kahlua, and wasting time on Facebook. After that I'll either watch another nauseatingly feminine movie or go for the sappy love songs that require me to use my hairbrush as a microphone and my table as a stage. "Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world, she took the midnight train going anywhere"....
My night started out with me watching the Princess Diaries 2 on TV while getting a little work done and binging out on sugar (yes, I did say The Princess Diaries 2 and no, I'm not 12). While working I stumbled across some photos of one of the coolest girls I've ever seen so I decided I needed to go spend my Target gift card so I could be cool too! It's like Target planted her there, right in the middle of the wedding I was processing, just for suckers like me!
So I jetted off to Target (BEFORE finishing The Princess Diaries 2... which saved my dignity at least a little bit) while blaring Pat Benetar and singing along at the top of my lungs (as well as refusing to look over at the guy in the car next to me who was laughing at me). Scottie does put up with some girly music, but apparently "Love is Battlefield" is where he draws the line so I was taking full advantage of my night of freedom.
I left Target empty handed and suffering a pity party because I couldn't afford to buy enough cool stuff to actually reach the level of anonymous cool girl who was my new idol (I'm sure the pity party was probably semi related to sugar remorse as well). So I drove around with Pat for company while I tried to cook up a plan to help me get the money required for coolness. Yeah, I never came up with one.
(I'm going to skip the part of my night where I came home to find the police and ambulance here for a domestic violence call on my downstairs neighbors who's kids I watched until it was over... I'll probably talk about that later but really I'm writing this blog to try to forget it for now.)
Back to the fun stuff...
So it's 12:30am and Scottie's still not home and I'm milking it for all it's worth. Sorry Scottie, I'm just really really enjoying a night alone (which means I must have really needed it because I'm only like 2.5% introverted and the rest of me is boisterous and loud and needs people around at all times)!
So now it's time to paint my nails black while sipping Kahlua, and wasting time on Facebook. After that I'll either watch another nauseatingly feminine movie or go for the sappy love songs that require me to use my hairbrush as a microphone and my table as a stage. "Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world, she took the midnight train going anywhere"....
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Good Life
Ahh... life is good right now. I've just had the greatest past couple of weeks! Scottie and I came out of our overworked hibernation and spent tons of time with all of our long lost friends, not to mention we got our house sparkling clean for all our guests and that feels fantastic! We've really begun to see results from our hard work at marketing for our company and that has been unbelievably encouraging. Plus I'm done with my part time reception job at Phoenix Seminary, so I've been given the gift of time and I'm taking full advantage of it. I feel like my life is finally really put together and in a really good place.
You know how in college you feel like you're in this constant holding tank. Or maybe for some it's when you're single or for others it's when you're waiting to have kids and start a family. I don't know, it just feels like for most of my life I've been waiting for it to start... and now it finally feels like it has. Here I am... going to bed when I want and waking up when I feel like it (every day now), eating when I'm hungry not just when it's my lunch break, hanging out with my husband all day, watching awesome movies while I work and sit in my beautiful office that I love. Not to mention getting to go on vacation when it's called for, not just when I have vacation time and actually having the energy to hang out with friends rather than feel like I'm dragging my half asleep body around and trying to have fun while holding my eyelids open.
We're almost out of debt... both our company and personally (except for Scottie's student loan which we don't count because that will take years), we have a company that feels like it's really gaining momentum, we have an apartment that we love and that we don't pay to live in, and we may need to get new cars soon as ours begin to fall apart but they are good for now and even when we get new ones we'll do so without gaining a car payment. It feels nice to be in a position where I feel like we're taking two steps forward and then staying there... rather than being shoved back two steps immediately. I know things can change and I know things aren't perfect. But for now I'm very excited and I think life is good.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
To Live An Extraordinary Life
Some nights I go to bed with this fear.... this fear that I settle for mediocrity way too easily. Then other nights I go to bed with a different fear.... this fear that I might have to actually rise above mediocrity!
For the past year or so I've had this persistant nagging feeling that I need to live an extraordinary life. My religious convictions definitely tell me this, but it's all too easy to lie to myself and say that I am following my beliefs. But I keep being faced with this challenge of being extreme. This idea that I can't settle for comfort, for safety, and for a life wasted on my own pleasures.
I have long had a taste of disgust in my mouth for the "American Dream". But no matter how bad the flavor, I keep eating it. I swallow more and more every single day, and now it is the nourishment that sustains me and drives me. Unfortunately my "nourishment" is really a poison that kills me slowly each minute.
OK, so enough of the drama here.... I got going and I couldn't stop with the strong analogies of death and doom (it's fun sometimes). Really though, I keep feeling that I need to live an extraordinary life, but everything inside of me longs for ordinary at the same time. I happen to be a very fearful person who uses high levels of control to attempt to block anything I fear that might threaten my own personal happiness in the little world I've created around me. This is a terrible, horrible thing to do by the way.... so if any one else out there is guilty of this you should definitely stop before you push away everyone and everything of value by trying to hold on to them too tightly.
(Man, I keep trying to make this light-hearted and it keeps coming back down a notch. I'll keep trying, bear with me!)
Anyways, so here you have this, fearful, controlling, high-maintenance (yes, I can finally admit that), lazy girl who is so scared of the unknown and of pushing herself when she doesn't have to that she's content to stay right where she's at..... who's being totally dragged into an extraordinary life. I'm sure if I ever get to the place deemed "extraordinary" (I have no idea where that actually is or what it entails by the way) I'll be able to look back on the things I gave up (comfort, security, an easier life) and say it was all worth it. But.... I'm just.... not quite..... there yet (those dots are meant to represent the tug of war going on inside of me).
I do want it though. I do want to be free. I want to be free of worrying about all the things that are not mine to worry about. I want to be able to stand for something bigger than myself and really make all the sacrifices that are necessary to accomplish the goals associated with that. I want to be free of seeking things that will only leave me empty in the end. I want to instead, pursue things that fill me with the breath I was meant to breathe.... with the life I was meant know.
It's so big, you know? Life is so huge! Sometimes when I'm worry about all the little things and stuck in the cycle of useless, unimportant obsession in my head.... I stop and think about how many facts a person could learn about puppies, or about wallpaper, or about bone marrow. There is so so so much. So much to talk about, learn about, do, and experience. And I get stuck in my own safe routine, in my own oh-so tiny world. It confines me and it traps me. My own measures of protection, my own safety defenses, are what attack me. I'm working so hard to let them go. To let them go and to just trust.
For so long I have trusted only in myself.... only in my knowledge and my abilities. I need to start to trust in my LACK of knowledge and abilities. In the world that is bigger than I, in the people that have lived more than me, in the God that actually created all of it. I know nothing and I am nothing. But there is a ton out there to become and to be. And I want to go after it.
I may never get a house. I may never have a 401K (still don't know what that means really but I think it's something people want). I may never please everyone and I may never feel completely comfortable ever again.....
But I need and want to be OK with that. I want to be excited about trading in the mundane for a life of extraordinaire. I need to realize that as long as I pursue my stability, comfort, and personal happiness above all else.... I will never get any farther than that. I will never know what life was meant to be and how it was meant to be used.
Oh holy crap.... I'm terrified.
For the past year or so I've had this persistant nagging feeling that I need to live an extraordinary life. My religious convictions definitely tell me this, but it's all too easy to lie to myself and say that I am following my beliefs. But I keep being faced with this challenge of being extreme. This idea that I can't settle for comfort, for safety, and for a life wasted on my own pleasures.
I have long had a taste of disgust in my mouth for the "American Dream". But no matter how bad the flavor, I keep eating it. I swallow more and more every single day, and now it is the nourishment that sustains me and drives me. Unfortunately my "nourishment" is really a poison that kills me slowly each minute.
OK, so enough of the drama here.... I got going and I couldn't stop with the strong analogies of death and doom (it's fun sometimes). Really though, I keep feeling that I need to live an extraordinary life, but everything inside of me longs for ordinary at the same time. I happen to be a very fearful person who uses high levels of control to attempt to block anything I fear that might threaten my own personal happiness in the little world I've created around me. This is a terrible, horrible thing to do by the way.... so if any one else out there is guilty of this you should definitely stop before you push away everyone and everything of value by trying to hold on to them too tightly.
(Man, I keep trying to make this light-hearted and it keeps coming back down a notch. I'll keep trying, bear with me!)
Anyways, so here you have this, fearful, controlling, high-maintenance (yes, I can finally admit that), lazy girl who is so scared of the unknown and of pushing herself when she doesn't have to that she's content to stay right where she's at..... who's being totally dragged into an extraordinary life. I'm sure if I ever get to the place deemed "extraordinary" (I have no idea where that actually is or what it entails by the way) I'll be able to look back on the things I gave up (comfort, security, an easier life) and say it was all worth it. But.... I'm just.... not quite..... there yet (those dots are meant to represent the tug of war going on inside of me).
I do want it though. I do want to be free. I want to be free of worrying about all the things that are not mine to worry about. I want to be able to stand for something bigger than myself and really make all the sacrifices that are necessary to accomplish the goals associated with that. I want to be free of seeking things that will only leave me empty in the end. I want to instead, pursue things that fill me with the breath I was meant to breathe.... with the life I was meant know.
It's so big, you know? Life is so huge! Sometimes when I'm worry about all the little things and stuck in the cycle of useless, unimportant obsession in my head.... I stop and think about how many facts a person could learn about puppies, or about wallpaper, or about bone marrow. There is so so so much. So much to talk about, learn about, do, and experience. And I get stuck in my own safe routine, in my own oh-so tiny world. It confines me and it traps me. My own measures of protection, my own safety defenses, are what attack me. I'm working so hard to let them go. To let them go and to just trust.
For so long I have trusted only in myself.... only in my knowledge and my abilities. I need to start to trust in my LACK of knowledge and abilities. In the world that is bigger than I, in the people that have lived more than me, in the God that actually created all of it. I know nothing and I am nothing. But there is a ton out there to become and to be. And I want to go after it.
I may never get a house. I may never have a 401K (still don't know what that means really but I think it's something people want). I may never please everyone and I may never feel completely comfortable ever again.....
But I need and want to be OK with that. I want to be excited about trading in the mundane for a life of extraordinaire. I need to realize that as long as I pursue my stability, comfort, and personal happiness above all else.... I will never get any farther than that. I will never know what life was meant to be and how it was meant to be used.
Oh holy crap.... I'm terrified.
Friday, May 8, 2009
A Day in the Life of Us.
Every single day people ask us, "how are you doing?" or "what's going on?" and our answer is always the same. "Busy". And the questioner's inevitable response is, "oh, well that's good, right?" And we're like, "Um, I guess."
It's kind of hard to explain all the in's and out's of what we do everyday. The common misconceptions are:
a. We go hang out with all these high fashion people all day everyday, just laughing and sipping cocktails with them, trading amusing antic dotes, while snapping a photo of them kissing or something cute every once in awhile..... and that's what we call "busy".
b. We sleep 10 hours, do 1 or 2 unknown computer things, go layout by the pool for awhile, then sit around watching daytime television while eating microwaved s'mores and making out during commercials..... and that's what we call "busy".
c. We rush to Starbucks to meet some potential clients and they're like, "we'll pay anything... just please be our photographers!" and we're like, "um, yeah sure, whatev". Then we yell, "next" and the next couple waiting in line comes over and signs our contract while we sigh with boredom, sipping our lattes..... and that's what we call "busy".
OK, so it's definitely NONE of those things. Here's what it is.
Alarm goes off....
It's around 9:30 or 10 (still barely rested because I didn't get to bed until after 2 am the night before). I take a moment to catch my mood for the day.... this is very important because how else would I decide what to wear?! I spend about an hour matching my makeup to the mood- outfit and working out my hair to coordinate based on how many days it's been since I last washed it (gross I know, but I've come to accept it).
I make some coffee and breakfast and my goal every morning is to take that out and read for a bit on my princess porch (which earned it's name as a result of the sheer cream drapes that frame the ledge, the white lights that COVER it, and the candles and shiny things all around). I make sure I light my favorite Volcano No.5 Anthropologie candle, put on the chill playlist on my ipod.... The Cranberries, Shins, Decemberists, Frou Frou, and Rage Against the Machine (you know I'm kidding on the last one). Of course this goal is only actually accomplished about twice a month, but I still live under the illusion every morning that it is going to happen today.
After this I mosey on over to the office that is fully decorated.... so we can feel "creative and inspired in it" (good thing we took our financial class AFTER we freely spent all that money!) The office is complete with Aqua blue and chocolate brown everything, our favorite framed album covers displayed proudly on the walls, and of course.... my underwear- clad husband who is squinting at his computer screen, still too sleepy to fully open his eyes. He's responding to all his emails, none of which he'll remember later because he has complete amnesia until he's been up for at least an hour.... a very strange (and sometimes annoying) phenomenon.
I sit down at my computer for the purpose of pulling up some photos and going to work on them... removing zits, bugs, and aunt Sally's crotch shot.... then adding in soft lighting, textures, and tears to the bride's face (I'm just kidding- I wouldn't add fake tears!). Well process pictures is always my intention. But what usually happens is I sit down- see my to do list- see my packed inbox- see our full calendar and begin having heart palpitations. I then hop up, and start scouring the house for things that are out of place that can be put back into their place in attempt to give me some sort of feeling of control and order, I suppose. New item for my to do list.... "Learn how to deal with stress appropriately and effectively".
My kind husband (who's slowly adjusting to my freak-out routine) allows me to vent, go over our task list for the day, and apologize for freaking out. He then hugs me, says he forgives me, and settles in next to me to get a move on with the emails, returning phone calls, updating the website, etc.... since we lost so much time with that rampage. OK, so this doesn't happen EVERY day. But I hate to admit that it does happen very regularly!
We work for a bit, then warm up a couple hot dogs (quick, cheap, easy, and bad for you) and head off to do some errand for our CARES Team Program. We go grab things like giant green hats at Walmart, 250 Popsicles at Frys, or 100 grass hula skirts at.... well I have no idea where you'd get those from but we'd probably spend hours researching it online and then go there too!
When we arrive back from the complex, there are 10 kids who follow our car in who all start asking at the same time if they can come watch TV in our apartment, if we can play soccer, and if Scottie can fix their bikes. So we spend an hour or so doing at least some of those things, then we make a trip to the front office of our apartment complex for a quick meeting with our manager, and on the way back a slightly stoned neighbor decides it's time to tell us his life story (at stoner pace of course). We love doing all of this and we hate the fact that all the work we have to get done is sitting in the back of our minds trying to suck the joy out of our lives, but that's usually just how it goes for us so we try to ignore it and be happy.
We get back to our computers only to find MORE emails, tax organizing stuff, equipment insurance forms, camera gear research, admin junk, admin junk, and more admin junk, etc., etc., etc. waiting for us. We sigh and attack the pile, only to be interrupted by the internet going down, our drive sharing system cutting out, or some other ridiculous computer problem that should not happen but does (at least 5 times a week too) that results in Scottie spending the next hour or two fixing it. I spend this time playing with my superpoke pet on facebook (because it's MUCH cooler than those virtual pet keychains 9 year olds used to have) and if the computer is really down then I might get to do something actually productive, like read or glue Popsicle sticks to posterboard in preparation for our next CARES Team Kid's Club.
Once the computer gets fixed, we usually call most of our to do list a wash and put it on the calendar for tomorrow. Then we get ready to leave for either our Dave Ramsey financial class, Bible Study, some kind of family event, a meeting with a couple, or a "hot dogs on the go" where we hand out free hot dogs at the mailbox in our apartment complex. There's always something like that to do in the evenings.
After whatever thing it is (hopefully a family event because then we won't get stuck eating hot dogs for both lunch and dinner that day) we will most likely come home around 10 or 11 and then FINALLY settle in to process some pictures (which has been our goal to get to all day) while we watch South Park, Scrubs, Chelsea Lately, or a movie on Netflix Instant Que. And then on special days if we're being "good" (which translates to "healthy and balanced") we might not even work at this time!! We will probably watch 2 episodes of Lost online while eating ice cream and then still go to bed around 2.
Now I feel like Mr. Rogers at the end of the show when he's just spent his day with you (even though it only felt like 30 min.) and he's changing out his infamous sweater for a pimpin' blazer to leave his own house (I don't think he really lives there because he's only there for half an hour a day) singing his goodbye for today song, "I'll be back when the day is new and I'll have more ideas for you and you'll have things you'll want to talk about. I will too."
So folks, that's an average day for us. Now just take into account my work as a receptionist all day on Thursdays and Fridays, bigger events for our CARES Team, church, time with friends, house cleaning, grocery shopping, misc. random thing, misc. random thing.... and we are BUSY! I hope this doesn't sound too much like complaining because we are seriously loving all of it (except for when I'm throwing my temper tantrum in the mornings). I'm not complaining at all, this is totally the kind of life I want. I love the schedule freedom, the variety of things we get to do, that I get PAID for creating art, and that I spend a lot of time with people and with my husband. This is the life. The busy... fantastic life.
It's kind of hard to explain all the in's and out's of what we do everyday. The common misconceptions are:
a. We go hang out with all these high fashion people all day everyday, just laughing and sipping cocktails with them, trading amusing antic dotes, while snapping a photo of them kissing or something cute every once in awhile..... and that's what we call "busy".
b. We sleep 10 hours, do 1 or 2 unknown computer things, go layout by the pool for awhile, then sit around watching daytime television while eating microwaved s'mores and making out during commercials..... and that's what we call "busy".
c. We rush to Starbucks to meet some potential clients and they're like, "we'll pay anything... just please be our photographers!" and we're like, "um, yeah sure, whatev". Then we yell, "next" and the next couple waiting in line comes over and signs our contract while we sigh with boredom, sipping our lattes..... and that's what we call "busy".
OK, so it's definitely NONE of those things. Here's what it is.
Alarm goes off....
It's around 9:30 or 10 (still barely rested because I didn't get to bed until after 2 am the night before). I take a moment to catch my mood for the day.... this is very important because how else would I decide what to wear?! I spend about an hour matching my makeup to the mood- outfit and working out my hair to coordinate based on how many days it's been since I last washed it (gross I know, but I've come to accept it).
I make some coffee and breakfast and my goal every morning is to take that out and read for a bit on my princess porch (which earned it's name as a result of the sheer cream drapes that frame the ledge, the white lights that COVER it, and the candles and shiny things all around). I make sure I light my favorite Volcano No.5 Anthropologie candle, put on the chill playlist on my ipod.... The Cranberries, Shins, Decemberists, Frou Frou, and Rage Against the Machine (you know I'm kidding on the last one). Of course this goal is only actually accomplished about twice a month, but I still live under the illusion every morning that it is going to happen today.
After this I mosey on over to the office that is fully decorated.... so we can feel "creative and inspired in it" (good thing we took our financial class AFTER we freely spent all that money!) The office is complete with Aqua blue and chocolate brown everything, our favorite framed album covers displayed proudly on the walls, and of course.... my underwear- clad husband who is squinting at his computer screen, still too sleepy to fully open his eyes. He's responding to all his emails, none of which he'll remember later because he has complete amnesia until he's been up for at least an hour.... a very strange (and sometimes annoying) phenomenon.
I sit down at my computer for the purpose of pulling up some photos and going to work on them... removing zits, bugs, and aunt Sally's crotch shot.... then adding in soft lighting, textures, and tears to the bride's face (I'm just kidding- I wouldn't add fake tears!). Well process pictures is always my intention. But what usually happens is I sit down- see my to do list- see my packed inbox- see our full calendar and begin having heart palpitations. I then hop up, and start scouring the house for things that are out of place that can be put back into their place in attempt to give me some sort of feeling of control and order, I suppose. New item for my to do list.... "Learn how to deal with stress appropriately and effectively".
My kind husband (who's slowly adjusting to my freak-out routine) allows me to vent, go over our task list for the day, and apologize for freaking out. He then hugs me, says he forgives me, and settles in next to me to get a move on with the emails, returning phone calls, updating the website, etc.... since we lost so much time with that rampage. OK, so this doesn't happen EVERY day. But I hate to admit that it does happen very regularly!
We work for a bit, then warm up a couple hot dogs (quick, cheap, easy, and bad for you) and head off to do some errand for our CARES Team Program. We go grab things like giant green hats at Walmart, 250 Popsicles at Frys, or 100 grass hula skirts at.... well I have no idea where you'd get those from but we'd probably spend hours researching it online and then go there too!
When we arrive back from the complex, there are 10 kids who follow our car in who all start asking at the same time if they can come watch TV in our apartment, if we can play soccer, and if Scottie can fix their bikes. So we spend an hour or so doing at least some of those things, then we make a trip to the front office of our apartment complex for a quick meeting with our manager, and on the way back a slightly stoned neighbor decides it's time to tell us his life story (at stoner pace of course). We love doing all of this and we hate the fact that all the work we have to get done is sitting in the back of our minds trying to suck the joy out of our lives, but that's usually just how it goes for us so we try to ignore it and be happy.
We get back to our computers only to find MORE emails, tax organizing stuff, equipment insurance forms, camera gear research, admin junk, admin junk, and more admin junk, etc., etc., etc. waiting for us. We sigh and attack the pile, only to be interrupted by the internet going down, our drive sharing system cutting out, or some other ridiculous computer problem that should not happen but does (at least 5 times a week too) that results in Scottie spending the next hour or two fixing it. I spend this time playing with my superpoke pet on facebook (because it's MUCH cooler than those virtual pet keychains 9 year olds used to have) and if the computer is really down then I might get to do something actually productive, like read or glue Popsicle sticks to posterboard in preparation for our next CARES Team Kid's Club.
Once the computer gets fixed, we usually call most of our to do list a wash and put it on the calendar for tomorrow. Then we get ready to leave for either our Dave Ramsey financial class, Bible Study, some kind of family event, a meeting with a couple, or a "hot dogs on the go" where we hand out free hot dogs at the mailbox in our apartment complex. There's always something like that to do in the evenings.
After whatever thing it is (hopefully a family event because then we won't get stuck eating hot dogs for both lunch and dinner that day) we will most likely come home around 10 or 11 and then FINALLY settle in to process some pictures (which has been our goal to get to all day) while we watch South Park, Scrubs, Chelsea Lately, or a movie on Netflix Instant Que. And then on special days if we're being "good" (which translates to "healthy and balanced") we might not even work at this time!! We will probably watch 2 episodes of Lost online while eating ice cream and then still go to bed around 2.
Now I feel like Mr. Rogers at the end of the show when he's just spent his day with you (even though it only felt like 30 min.) and he's changing out his infamous sweater for a pimpin' blazer to leave his own house (I don't think he really lives there because he's only there for half an hour a day) singing his goodbye for today song, "I'll be back when the day is new and I'll have more ideas for you and you'll have things you'll want to talk about. I will too."
So folks, that's an average day for us. Now just take into account my work as a receptionist all day on Thursdays and Fridays, bigger events for our CARES Team, church, time with friends, house cleaning, grocery shopping, misc. random thing, misc. random thing.... and we are BUSY! I hope this doesn't sound too much like complaining because we are seriously loving all of it (except for when I'm throwing my temper tantrum in the mornings). I'm not complaining at all, this is totally the kind of life I want. I love the schedule freedom, the variety of things we get to do, that I get PAID for creating art, and that I spend a lot of time with people and with my husband. This is the life. The busy... fantastic life.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Great TV Moments
Typically, I'm not into reality TV shows (mostly because I don't believe they're real). So for one to catch my attention enough to not only watch an entire clip from it, but also to actually blog about it is a big deal. A Facebook friend of mine posted this clip from "Britain's Got Talent" and since I watched it last night, I've seen it everywhere (including on the Today Show this morning). It's just one of those moments that makes you feel all the emotions that TV usually leaves you void of. It's emotional, it's beautiful, it's Susan Boyle.
There's also another one from Paul Potts that is similarly astounding....
So apparently, Britain is actually looking for talent... not just hotness. Paul Potts actually won that season and they've said that no makeover is planned for Susan!!
There's also another one from Paul Potts that is similarly astounding....
So apparently, Britain is actually looking for talent... not just hotness. Paul Potts actually won that season and they've said that no makeover is planned for Susan!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Revisiting Wendy
I had a friend who once accused me of being Wendy. You know, Wendy from Peter Pan. He said that I chose to grow-up and I left him behind. Really I think that just meant I went out and got busy with sports, clubs, church activities, and such while he sat in his basement strumming his guitar alone. To him, growing-up meant getting busy (and of course submitting to the man and all that stuff).
So recently I decided to re-visit this Wendy concept, only to discover that maybe I am her but if that's true then I'm her right when she was deciding whether or not to stay in Never-Never-land or go back to the real world. That crucial moment of decision.
I realized that was the case when my husband recently accused me of resisting "the change". And of COURSE I don't mean puberty or menopause (sheesh guys, what were you thinking!?)
I'm stuck somewhere between the college stage and the mom stage. I call this area "The Twilight Zone" j/k. I am realizing that I want a clean house, a good future, a healthy being, and good relationships. But I'm also realizing that in order to have all that you have to have at least some level of discipline, structure, money, a job, and all kinds of other things that I want nothing to do with.
I know those who've known me since I was young are like, "what are you talking about?!" you were the most responsible child of all time with a full 401K by the time you were 11! OK, so I'm exaggerating.... I actually don't even really know what 401K means..... I pretend to, but I really honestly don't. It is true though, I was kind of a grown-up even when I was a kid. But I think I had a top off point... like a place where I just stopped growing up but kept physically aging all the same. I did good throughout college, then I got married and I froze. I went from being above everyone my age maturity wise to suddenly feeling slightly behind everyone my age. Weird. I am wondering if it has to do with the fact that I used to only have to be responsible for one semester at a time. I always knew that if I could hold out for a year, I could take a 3 month break from life to lay out and tan all day (Nice, now I can blame all the problems in my life on the school system, right?!).
The thing is that now if I even take a 3 DAY break I fall apart emotionally because I didn't get enough sleep and my messy house is eating my heart. Or I begin to feel faint from surviving on Cheez-its and Top Ramen because I didn't go to the grocery store (either because I slept til noon or because I ran out of money since I took a break from that too!). I can't do it all people! I can't do it all.... even though I only have 2 fully functioning adults to maintain. And are you kidding me.... you all think I should add in kids to this equation!?! And I'm not even going to get into the life lessons I'm working hard to avoid learning....
I finally realized that I think this is just a stage. I think we're slowly getting better and that one day we'll figure it out. Plus everyone says that when you have kids you just DO figure it out. I'm not too sure about that one though. I think our kids will be the ones who stay up until midnight and sleep until 9am (during the summers at least.... come on guys I'm behind but I'm not retarded! I know they need to sleep for school!). It's wierd because I think kids will help this, but I also think they'll make it way harder at the same time. Go figure. I'll let you know when I finally make the full leap out of Never Never Land.
So recently I decided to re-visit this Wendy concept, only to discover that maybe I am her but if that's true then I'm her right when she was deciding whether or not to stay in Never-Never-land or go back to the real world. That crucial moment of decision.
I realized that was the case when my husband recently accused me of resisting "the change". And of COURSE I don't mean puberty or menopause (sheesh guys, what were you thinking!?)
I'm stuck somewhere between the college stage and the mom stage. I call this area "The Twilight Zone" j/k. I am realizing that I want a clean house, a good future, a healthy being, and good relationships. But I'm also realizing that in order to have all that you have to have at least some level of discipline, structure, money, a job, and all kinds of other things that I want nothing to do with.
I know those who've known me since I was young are like, "what are you talking about?!" you were the most responsible child of all time with a full 401K by the time you were 11! OK, so I'm exaggerating.... I actually don't even really know what 401K means..... I pretend to, but I really honestly don't. It is true though, I was kind of a grown-up even when I was a kid. But I think I had a top off point... like a place where I just stopped growing up but kept physically aging all the same. I did good throughout college, then I got married and I froze. I went from being above everyone my age maturity wise to suddenly feeling slightly behind everyone my age. Weird. I am wondering if it has to do with the fact that I used to only have to be responsible for one semester at a time. I always knew that if I could hold out for a year, I could take a 3 month break from life to lay out and tan all day (Nice, now I can blame all the problems in my life on the school system, right?!).
The thing is that now if I even take a 3 DAY break I fall apart emotionally because I didn't get enough sleep and my messy house is eating my heart. Or I begin to feel faint from surviving on Cheez-its and Top Ramen because I didn't go to the grocery store (either because I slept til noon or because I ran out of money since I took a break from that too!). I can't do it all people! I can't do it all.... even though I only have 2 fully functioning adults to maintain. And are you kidding me.... you all think I should add in kids to this equation!?! And I'm not even going to get into the life lessons I'm working hard to avoid learning....
I finally realized that I think this is just a stage. I think we're slowly getting better and that one day we'll figure it out. Plus everyone says that when you have kids you just DO figure it out. I'm not too sure about that one though. I think our kids will be the ones who stay up until midnight and sleep until 9am (during the summers at least.... come on guys I'm behind but I'm not retarded! I know they need to sleep for school!). It's wierd because I think kids will help this, but I also think they'll make it way harder at the same time. Go figure. I'll let you know when I finally make the full leap out of Never Never Land.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
A sad day
This has been quite a heavy day for me so far. I just found out that my friend's wife has to have a full masectomy to get rid of her breast cancer (she's in her 30's with 2 very young children) and their insurance is refusing to cover any of it. Then I found out that my friend at work's mother died unexpectedly a couple of days ago. Then I found out that my friend's newborn baby has cancer too! How can someone be born with cancer?! That is just amazing to me.
I'm sure I'll eventually get to that stage where I'm reflecting on my own life and the meaning of all this. But right now, I'm just sad. I'm so sad for all of them... and I'm a little bit more afraid of the "c" word.
I'm sure I'll eventually get to that stage where I'm reflecting on my own life and the meaning of all this. But right now, I'm just sad. I'm so sad for all of them... and I'm a little bit more afraid of the "c" word.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The 50 Songs that are the most impressive to me.
There is one quirky thing about me that anyone who follows my writing should (and probably already does) know about me.... I LOVE making lists! For some reason I feel this incessant need to constantly measure and weigh the value of multiple things in my life and assign a number to it. Maybe it satisfies some inner urge I have to create order in the chaos of life. Whatever the reason, it doesn't matter if I'm listing movies, coffee shops, cutest boys (OK maybe that was in 5th grade), or memories.... regardless of the topic, it gives me an immense feeling of completeness.
There is one list that I am never quite able to finish, and that is my songs list. Every time I begin it, I get so sidetracked by different categories and sub-categories that I can never quite say it's finished. This time, my song list has taken the tune of "The Songs that are the most impressive to me". It started out as my favorite songs of all time but that was so hard it was just never going to end, so it moved to the BEST songs of all time, but that was too intimidating and I didn't feel like enough of a music buff to call myself worthy of such a list (especially considering that my musical knowledge only spans about 30 years) so it eventually became an especially subjective list with the excluding term "impressive" attached to it. So these are not necessarily my favorite songs or the best songs, but they are songs that blow my mind! So here it is....
The 50 Songs that are the most impressive to me....
37. Idoteque- Radiohead
38. Clocks- Coldplay
39. Black- Pearl Jam
40. Hysteria- Muse
41. Cherub Rock- Smashing Pumpkins
42. Electric Blue- The Cranberries
43. The Stone- Dave Matthews Band
44. Simple Man- Lynard Skynard
45. It's Good to Be in Love- Frou Frou
46. Love Hurts- Incubus
47. Baba O'Riley- The Who
48. Nothing Else Matters- Metallica
49. Caught a Light Sneeze- Tori Amos
50. Sunday Bloody Sunday- The Who
P.S. If you want to hear any of these songs just look them up on youtube or some better place that has an unlimited musical selection that I'm not cool enough to know about yet.
There is one list that I am never quite able to finish, and that is my songs list. Every time I begin it, I get so sidetracked by different categories and sub-categories that I can never quite say it's finished. This time, my song list has taken the tune of "The Songs that are the most impressive to me". It started out as my favorite songs of all time but that was so hard it was just never going to end, so it moved to the BEST songs of all time, but that was too intimidating and I didn't feel like enough of a music buff to call myself worthy of such a list (especially considering that my musical knowledge only spans about 30 years) so it eventually became an especially subjective list with the excluding term "impressive" attached to it. So these are not necessarily my favorite songs or the best songs, but they are songs that blow my mind! So here it is....
The 50 Songs that are the most impressive to me....
- Yellow Ledbetter- Pearl Jam
- Viva La Vida- Coldplay
- Free Bird- Lynard Skynard
- With or Without You- U2
- One- Metallica
- Under the Bridge- Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Paranoid Android- Radiohead
- Hallelujah- Jeff Buckley
- Disarm- Smashing Pumpkins
- Bittersweet Symphony- The Verve
- Butterflies & Hurricanes- Muse
- The Blowers Daughter- Damien Rice
- Emotional Landscapes- Bjork
- #41- Dave Matthews Band
- Precious Things- Tori Amos
- Stronger- Kanye West
- Numb/Encore- Linkin Park & Jay-Z
- Dig- Incubus
- It's No Good- Depeche Mode
- Only in Dreams- Weezer
- Gran Turismo- The Cardigans
- What I've Done- Linkin Park
- What I've Got- Sublime
- For What It's Worth- Buffalo Springfield
- Brick- Ben Folds Five
- Give it To Me- Timbaland
- Love Reign on Me- The Who
- Samson- Regina Spektor
- Where is My Mind- The Pixies
- Let Go- Frou Frou
- Nothing Better- The Postal Service
- Hey Ya- Outkast
- Oh Jerusalem- Lauryn Hill
- I Will Posess Your Heart- Death Cab for Cutie
- The Sky is Over- System of a Down
- Anna Begins- Counting Crows
37. Idoteque- Radiohead
38. Clocks- Coldplay
39. Black- Pearl Jam
40. Hysteria- Muse
41. Cherub Rock- Smashing Pumpkins
42. Electric Blue- The Cranberries
43. The Stone- Dave Matthews Band
44. Simple Man- Lynard Skynard
45. It's Good to Be in Love- Frou Frou
46. Love Hurts- Incubus
47. Baba O'Riley- The Who
48. Nothing Else Matters- Metallica
49. Caught a Light Sneeze- Tori Amos
50. Sunday Bloody Sunday- The Who
P.S. If you want to hear any of these songs just look them up on youtube or some better place that has an unlimited musical selection that I'm not cool enough to know about yet.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A Great Valentine's Day
We had the best Valentine's Day this year. Not because of anything particular we did (ever since we started up Radiant we've been so stressed that we didn't want to make the planning a big deal). It just felt really good. Lately I've just been truly trying to appreciate the amazingness of this season in my life. I mean really, I sleep until I'm done, hang out with my husband creating art together, play with the little kids in our complex, watch lost and go to bed together when we feel like it. What more could I want? I feel really happy for the first time in a long time. I don't want this time to pass me by without appreciating it. So that's what our Valentine's Day was really.... a celebration of our current life together and a reflection of all that is really good about us lately.
On Valentine's day we woke up at noon.... that was an accident but I guess that's what happens when you stay up until 4 am! The night before we'd had a one of those momentous, life-changing kind of conversations that made us feel so much more connected and understood by each other. So we woke up with that peaceful, chill feeling of resolution and then we moved on to our fancy breakfast making! We made these beautiful little lemon blueberry scones with honey-fruit-granola stuff, and of course we had bacon for my bacon boy who needs his protein. But it was surprisingly so fun! You have to understand that we still eat like we're in college.... we have some weird cooking complexes.... so it was so cool that we actually enjoyed ourselves. We listened to a few records while we finished our 2pm breakfast and then we moved onto our project for the day.... candy grams for our apartment complex!
For our CARES Team Valentine's Project we advertised that residents could send little cards with a personal message attached to a bag of candy to anyone in the complex they wanted and we would hand deliver them on Valentine's Day. That's the kind of activity that you never quite know how it will go over (it doesn't involve a free meal after all), but it really worked! And it was so fun to see the different people that sent them to each other with their cute little messages. Mommies to sons, men to their baby mamas, and Steve to Nick (with love) whoa! Seriously though, the relationships in our complex tend to be very volatile and negative, so it was a huge encouragement for me to see them saying some positive things to one another.
I have to pause here to tell you just how much I REALLY love Valentine's Day. I've always loved Valentine's Day whether I was coupled up or not. I never really got why people have to get so angry and feel sorry for themselves on Valentine's Day, because I know most of them have someone in their lives they can show love to. It's this awesome day that is designed just to remind you to be loving.... how can that be bad? It doesn't have to be romantic and the whole point of the day is to make someone else feel good, not to be consumed with self-pity. I mean really, how can you hate a day full of soft tiny teddy bears tentatively holding hearts out in hopes they will be accepted by someone and candy hearts that say "fax me!"? But I digress....
I really do love the day and it was so cool to feel like we got to be a part of the important side of Valentine's day and to help people express their love creatively. We got to go around handing out bags of candy to little kids who were absolutely thrilled that someone came to the door and asked for them by name (They felt so important!) Some of my favorites were the non-romantic, neighbor to neighbor ones. There was one from one little kid to another saying "I've missed you at the park" and it had a little drawing of who knows what to accompany it. My favorite one by far though was the one from the semi-absent father (who didn't live here) that was just a note to let his "girls" know he was there for them even though he couldn't live with them and that he missed them and was always there for them whenever they needed anything. I gave that one extra candy. ;-)
After the candy gram part of our day came the "we're so lame" part. Ever since we started up Radiant, holidays have just blown by us and we hardly glance up at them. This is sad to me because holidays are very important to me and now that our getting started hump is over, we'll be getting back into normal life things.... but Valentine's Day still got the shaft from us. We were so busy that neither one of us got the other one a present. So we just decided to buy ourselves a new coffee maker instead of individual gifts. But since I do love the pink goop of Valentine cheesiness, we decided to get each other lame Valentine's Day gifts. The worst part though is that we actually spent part of our Valentine's Day at separate stores shopping for each other. I felt pathetic.
After the gift purchase and exchanging (straight from the Target bag) we relaxed for a bit and then went to see the movie "Coraline" in 3D (watch the preview if you haven't heard of it). I've been waiting for this movie for months so it was a nice touch to our comfy Valentine's Day.
So really, the entire day I was just happy. Happy with my life, with my husband, and with the day. It was good.
Here's the best photo sequence of the day (we spent a little time hanging out with kids in passing)....
On Valentine's day we woke up at noon.... that was an accident but I guess that's what happens when you stay up until 4 am! The night before we'd had a one of those momentous, life-changing kind of conversations that made us feel so much more connected and understood by each other. So we woke up with that peaceful, chill feeling of resolution and then we moved on to our fancy breakfast making! We made these beautiful little lemon blueberry scones with honey-fruit-granola stuff, and of course we had bacon for my bacon boy who needs his protein. But it was surprisingly so fun! You have to understand that we still eat like we're in college.... we have some weird cooking complexes.... so it was so cool that we actually enjoyed ourselves. We listened to a few records while we finished our 2pm breakfast and then we moved onto our project for the day.... candy grams for our apartment complex!
For our CARES Team Valentine's Project we advertised that residents could send little cards with a personal message attached to a bag of candy to anyone in the complex they wanted and we would hand deliver them on Valentine's Day. That's the kind of activity that you never quite know how it will go over (it doesn't involve a free meal after all), but it really worked! And it was so fun to see the different people that sent them to each other with their cute little messages. Mommies to sons, men to their baby mamas, and Steve to Nick (with love) whoa! Seriously though, the relationships in our complex tend to be very volatile and negative, so it was a huge encouragement for me to see them saying some positive things to one another.
I have to pause here to tell you just how much I REALLY love Valentine's Day. I've always loved Valentine's Day whether I was coupled up or not. I never really got why people have to get so angry and feel sorry for themselves on Valentine's Day, because I know most of them have someone in their lives they can show love to. It's this awesome day that is designed just to remind you to be loving.... how can that be bad? It doesn't have to be romantic and the whole point of the day is to make someone else feel good, not to be consumed with self-pity. I mean really, how can you hate a day full of soft tiny teddy bears tentatively holding hearts out in hopes they will be accepted by someone and candy hearts that say "fax me!"? But I digress....
I really do love the day and it was so cool to feel like we got to be a part of the important side of Valentine's day and to help people express their love creatively. We got to go around handing out bags of candy to little kids who were absolutely thrilled that someone came to the door and asked for them by name (They felt so important!) Some of my favorites were the non-romantic, neighbor to neighbor ones. There was one from one little kid to another saying "I've missed you at the park" and it had a little drawing of who knows what to accompany it. My favorite one by far though was the one from the semi-absent father (who didn't live here) that was just a note to let his "girls" know he was there for them even though he couldn't live with them and that he missed them and was always there for them whenever they needed anything. I gave that one extra candy. ;-)
After the candy gram part of our day came the "we're so lame" part. Ever since we started up Radiant, holidays have just blown by us and we hardly glance up at them. This is sad to me because holidays are very important to me and now that our getting started hump is over, we'll be getting back into normal life things.... but Valentine's Day still got the shaft from us. We were so busy that neither one of us got the other one a present. So we just decided to buy ourselves a new coffee maker instead of individual gifts. But since I do love the pink goop of Valentine cheesiness, we decided to get each other lame Valentine's Day gifts. The worst part though is that we actually spent part of our Valentine's Day at separate stores shopping for each other. I felt pathetic.
After the gift purchase and exchanging (straight from the Target bag) we relaxed for a bit and then went to see the movie "Coraline" in 3D (watch the preview if you haven't heard of it). I've been waiting for this movie for months so it was a nice touch to our comfy Valentine's Day.
So really, the entire day I was just happy. Happy with my life, with my husband, and with the day. It was good.
Here's the best photo sequence of the day (we spent a little time hanging out with kids in passing)....
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