Friday, June 26, 2009

Because you've always wanted to know what I do when no one's looking

So what do you do when you get your first night alone in months, but you blew your monthly spending money weeks ago, and you've been working so hard for so long that you've actually forgotten how to have fun? Well... you experiment. At least that's what I did.

My night started out with me watching the Princess Diaries 2 on TV while getting a little work done and binging out on sugar (yes, I did say The Princess Diaries 2 and no, I'm not 12). While working I stumbled across some photos of one of the coolest girls I've ever seen so I decided I needed to go spend my Target gift card so I could be cool too! It's like Target planted her there, right in the middle of the wedding I was processing, just for suckers like me!

So I jetted off to Target (BEFORE finishing The Princess Diaries 2... which saved my dignity at least a little bit) while blaring Pat Benetar and singing along at the top of my lungs (as well as refusing to look over at the guy in the car next to me who was laughing at me). Scottie does put up with some girly music, but apparently "Love is Battlefield" is where he draws the line so I was taking full advantage of my night of freedom.

I left Target empty handed and suffering a pity party because I couldn't afford to buy enough cool stuff to actually reach the level of anonymous cool girl who was my new idol (I'm sure the pity party was probably semi related to sugar remorse as well). So I drove around with Pat for company while I tried to cook up a plan to help me get the money required for coolness. Yeah, I never came up with one.

(I'm going to skip the part of my night where I came home to find the police and ambulance here for a domestic violence call on my downstairs neighbors who's kids I watched until it was over... I'll probably talk about that later but really I'm writing this blog to try to forget it for now.)

Back to the fun stuff...

So it's 12:30am and Scottie's still not home and I'm milking it for all it's worth. Sorry Scottie, I'm just really really enjoying a night alone (which means I must have really needed it because I'm only like 2.5% introverted and the rest of me is boisterous and loud and needs people around at all times)!

So now it's time to paint my nails black while sipping Kahlua, and wasting time on Facebook. After that I'll either watch another nauseatingly feminine movie or go for the sappy love songs that require me to use my hairbrush as a microphone and my table as a stage. "Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world, she took the midnight train going anywhere"....

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